Character Names and Ranks: Admiral Evyn Wildcat & Lt COmmander Feya Wildcat
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat - Guardian / BAF|Lt.Cmd.Feya.Wildcat - Challenger / BAF|MN-Twisted.Sisters - Serenity / BAF|HMS-Loxley - Lib BC / BAF|HMS-Nottingham - DUnkirk
Activity: None due to game not installed / Low-Med otherwise
Interest: Low-Med
Skype Address: Already have it.
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: MUSTARD! D8<
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Character Names and Ranks: Richard Mace - lieutenant Ships in Possession and their Class:BAF|Lt.Richard.Mace(Challenger) ; BAF|Lt-Richard.Mace(Templar) Activity:High Interest:High Skype Address:Zeitpiraten Recommendations, Advice, Comments:To play more. At the moment I take part only
in almost every big battles such as events or raids, but I need to play more in some simple patrols. It is needed also to say that I must to train my skills in fighters. I am not sure, but I think I am too bad in snubfights. And I must to be in chats more, The way to succes is fame.
Character Names and Ranks: Captain Noa Jefferson Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Cpt.Jefferson ( Guardian VHF class) , BAF|Cpt,Jefferson (Templar VHF class) , BAF|Cpt,Jefferson, (Upholer bomber class) , BAF|Cpt.Noa.Jefferson (Avenger VHF Class) , BAF|Havoc.IV (Havoc MKII Bomber class, possibly the most used ones) Activity: Medium Interest: High Skype Address: rax.bullstock Recommendations, Advice, Comments: More Storyline events and raids. Overall I feel pleased on being here. NOTE: Hall should seriously leave Carda, please leave Carda.