Quantum Wind Characters Feedback Thread. Okay, need to say, that I created this thread for myself, first of all. I need to organize my characters and their stories.
You are welcome to leave any feedback about Forum RP, InGame interactions and BB-Codes.
Post here or poke me in PM if you want to have RP with any of listed characters.
Active Characters:
ES234 - Gas Miner Droid
Affiliation: Gas Miners Guild Important Stories: Soon. Pictures:[1] RP Links:GMG Application.
Hotaru Mori - Gas Miners Guild Transporting Division Supervisor
Good roleplay, you should concentrate on few chars at first, though, or you will burn out quickly due to being drowned in work, especially if it concerns factions. But I told you that so many times now and you never listen. Kudos, though.
Only had nice encounters so far (besides the comm between DSE and Sanae too :p )! Keep it up and please don't get burned out quickly, would be sad to see this happening.