How am I supposed to add a .wav file into the .UTF-container, and in which files do I have to add it in?
And especially, how do I know which file (inside the UTF) is what? "0x804CAB46" doesn't really tell me anything. However, if I play that file (trough the UTF-editor) I can hear it's the station voice saying "good journey".
I'm a bit confused and would appreciate some halp.
When you click on play it will play the audio of the current entry you have selected. This will allow you to determine which file is which.
You export each audio file with the export button and replace them with the import button.
Export will bring up a window for you to save the file, but you must make sure to add .wav at the end, otherwise, it won't work.
Import will bring up a window for you to open a file. Opening a .wav will load it into that entry. You can also create your own entries by either copying existing ones or writing out the correct values.
As you've already noticed the layout is rather unhelpful for determining what audio files will be played. To my knowledge, it's merely a case of trial and error till you find which one you're after. Open up the UTF of the character whose audio you want and try to find the right one.
I pretty much guessed as much yet but ... how do I specify which file inside the .utf is what? I couldn't find any .ini actually refer to "0x804CAB46" for example.
EDIT: Okay, decompiling the UTF files didn't really help.
This what the file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- XML generated by UTFXML Version 2.1 built 21-Mar-2010 -->
<UTFXML filename="atc_leg_m01.utf" path="DATA\AUDIO">
<_x8020AB4C name="0x8020AB4C" type="file" filename="atc_leg_m01_utf\0x8020AB4C.wav"/>
<_x8022308F name="0x8022308F" type="file" filename="atc_leg_m01_utf\0x8022308F.wav"/>
<_x80263085 name="0x80263085" type="file" filename="atc_leg_m01_utf\0x80263085.wav"/>
<_x80370B89 name="0x80370B89" type="file" filename="atc_leg_m01_utf\0x80370B89.wav"/>
<_x804A308F name="0x804A308F" type="file" filename="atc_leg_m01_utf\0x804A308F.wav"/>
And so on.
Is the file name encrypted in CRC / hex or something?
I've got all the soundfiles seperately, which is fine. But how do I add new sounds? They have to be added in the matching .ini for each voice. But those ini's never refer to any sound named "0x8020AB4C.wav" for example.
EDIT2: Nevermind, I figured it. It's somehow encrypted with CRC - atleast CRC-tools seem to be able to generate those values. I'll try around a bit and see if I can make things work.