Hiyo everyone. I will use this asking for some help and for introduction. Name is irrelevant but everyone calls me Korja. Skimmed the net for a space shooter and stumbled across Freelancer. Quick search on Youtube brought up this place. Looks nice but there is a catch, the game insists on crashing after char creation. Says that the connection to the server was lost. Any ideas?
User was banned for: Alt @Divine
Time left: (Permanent)
Read across the board that some problems with running the game might come from a corrupted install, so I did a clean one. Tried with the current and a new account to access the server. Crashes are persistent. Char on the new account is NMjihai.
User was banned for: Alt @Divine
Time left: (Permanent)
The server is booting you because you are being flagged as a banned member. To put it simply, the login fingerprint is unique enough that false-hits are near impossible. We are rather disappointed that you did not drop the act once your thread was bumped with a very subtle hint.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502