Today i bought new router (asus dsl-n14u) and now i am instantly disconnected after login. After few attempts to connect one of my accounts has been banned ( one with character Luigi.Vercotti ). I turned off firewall and DOS protection on the router but it didn't help. Also I am sure that this has nothing to do with my Eset security. Web is working correctly and i don't play any other online game so can't say if it is Disco related or (more probably) router issue.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
No, I won't update my account to enable 3rd party hosting!
(11-15-2017, 04:15 PM)Rael Wrote: I've had the same problem, haven't been able to login for a couple days now, get disconnected the moment I try logging in... what could be the issue?
Looks like I got sanctioned.. whoops. I'll have to check into this