To clarify, using them, after they were made unavailable for the ship class is the sanctionable offence. If you never used them, because you knew the rule, you are fine for merely carrying. Temptation is a thing, and its advised to not risk it however.
Although I was in favor of taking nanobots from cap ships while it was still possible to pass bots to snubs, I'm kind of wondering why they were removed after it was already made impossible to pass bots.
Because the same amount of extra hp that nano's give were added directly to the hulls of the classes in question. Instead of repairing the damage, you started with the maximum theoretical HP any ship of said classes would have with full regens.
I think nanobots were removed from battleships and battlecruisers in order to try and help players who were being cloak-gank killed before they could even think to press their regen keys, but I'm not 100% sure.
What I do know is that when nanos were removed, the hull rating of all affected ships was buffed massively to compensate. Basically, it's as if you have the same amount of hitpoints without them as you did with them, without having to press the nanobot key to regen health. It's an ease-of-life addition, basically. I've been ninja'd by The Sov'! Where's my T-Shirt?
Technically, this makes repair ships even more valuable in certain scenarios, as they have a higher health cap to work with rather than a battleship or battlecruiser sitting on X amount of nanos left.
(03-29-2018, 03:26 AM)Techpriest Wrote: Although I don't see it should be considered sanctionable. They only get to use it once. Once after they use the nanobots. They can't use it no more!