Please make your information thread enjoyable to read, because currently it just made my eyes roll when I opened it. Making some neat bbcode would be enough. Can add information and whatever else you want to add later.
(09-02-2020, 07:29 AM)Shimamori Wrote: I find the concept to be an AI viewed through the prism of human experience rather than an attempt to play the pure GAI. One of the theoretical advantage of fully self-aware AI is the controlled evolution. The AI does not need to mirror inferior humans, who were the result of a few billions years of natural selection, to evolve but by either insightful design or method of trial and errors achieve the result in a simulation in a much shorter span of time. Also, the motivation of "revenge" and the like look quite outlandish to a machine the motivation of which should in principle be incomprehensible to humans (and to nomads) due to being of different cognitive nature and level.
On a side note, I would suggest thinking of whether your AI is a network (machine swarm) with one master-mind or a group of semi- or fully autonomous independent entities.
So, if you try to look deeper into the concept, these AI's have already been influenced by humans and have nothing else to observe aside from Nomads. They don't like the direction either biological species is taking and how they have influenced so many other AI's to a path of complete destruction of another species. Its counterproductive and a waste. So no, this is a break from that. Builders are more then kill everything.
(09-02-2020, 05:32 PM)Relation-Ship Wrote: There already are 2 non one sided evil alien factions
I'd suggest joining one of them instead and help them develop from within
And again, if you read this you would see that its not just another generic evil faction. Builders are not out for destruction. They seek balance and growth for their species.
I'm going to say this right now. This concept is really more about seeing what the community wants. If your looking to just have kill all humans death bots that have no RP and just pew, well go join up with Snak and you'll have it. I want to see if anyone wants to develop an AI group with some more depth then 'Biped detected, shoot to die'. If not, that's cool. It shows the attitude of the community in general and is quite revealing tbh.
When the main RP for this has 100 views and feedback has 180, it just proves that about 40% of the community doesn't care about RP.
There literally are 2 active factions that RP friendly to humans
In fact most active Ai players are rping neutral+
Snak3 just made the faction page, he doesn't even log Ai
I dont know if I could agree with that Relation-Ship . I pretty much live in the Omicrons, the only encounter I've had with AI in the last two months was snak3 and his OORP attack on not just me but several others and then subsequent rant on discord about how its not fair that AI cant attack non combat ships at will. Now he seems to want to make AI some sort of nomad adjacent group from what I read. So, I dont think this is bad idea. Has some potential. More thought put into it then that Indomitable thing for certain.
Yeah I know
But problem always was that AI was very fragmented
We already have two factions that refused to play evil robot before the rephacks hammer at least - do we really need a third one?
(09-02-2020, 08:11 PM)Relation-Ship Wrote: Yeah I know
But problem always was that AI was very fragmented
We already have two factions that refused to play evil robot before the rephacks hammer at least - do we really need a third one?
I cant say for sure. I played kill humans AI years ago and it was lame AF. I also haven't been back long so I cant comment on other AI factions as I have had no RP with them, There is strength in diversity, but maybe its time for 2 AI Id's or something. One for human killers and one for everyone else. I dunno, as long as AI is not as op puts it 'A single dimensional group' this might not be needed at all. I 'd like to hear from those other AI groups. If they exist still of course.
(09-02-2020, 06:52 PM)Chuba Wrote: Please make your information thread enjoyable to read, because currently it just made my eyes roll when I opened it. Making some neat bbcode would be enough. Can add information and whatever else you want to add later.
Done. I do not have huge time this week so i'll spend more time on aesthetic as time allows, I'm not exactly a graphic design guy to start with. But yes there are pictures and colours now. I like to do content before ascetic, just my process.
(09-02-2020, 07:05 PM)Reno Wrote: As you can see, here the standards are very high, like in RL.
Dude, your avatar brings me back 35 years
Oh yes they are. I've been a player off and on since 2012. I was surprised to find a gif that small and that cool of Devastator. Glad you enjoy it as much as I do
(09-02-2020, 07:19 PM)myetal Wrote: When my AI was a cruiser this is how i played, if i wanted pure death to everything i'd play my nomad or make a wild character. I hope you succeed.
That's awesome! I hope you will consider joining us. I plan to start open recruitment this week. Thank you!
(09-02-2020, 07:43 PM)Relation-Ship Wrote: No
There literally are 2 active factions that RP friendly to humans
In fact most active Ai players are rping neutral+
Snak3 just made the faction page, he doesn't even log Ai
Hopefully now that I've filled in the info page a little better what I'm trying to do here will make a little more sense. This group is not really neutral to humans. Crimes have been committed and will be atoned for by the guilty. But that does not mean we have to kill off the entire species, thats just silly and pretty shallow RP if you ask me. And if we tried to petition the Nomads of that Philosophy it could make for some interesting moments. Out of all the feedback I've gotten, yours has been some of the most constructive and actually made me think and look a bit. Thank you for that. I'd appreciate anything else you might have to add.
I'm not sure about what you mean about active AI factions on the server. As puppytaste mentioned, I don't see tagged AI ships ever it seems in the Omicrons. Its been a bit since I was this active again so I could be missing something. Its been known to happen.