Malta Hyperspace Starfleet, in its continuing mission to spread the Orange Dream and securing the well-being of all Maltese, has formed a special and expendable squadron, Los Asesinos, dedicated to Outcasts that want to reach the fame and fortune, denied during their lives due to questionable behavior, but with enough skills to prove their courage.
Asesinos are composed by Maltese criminals willing to redeem themselves, carrying sins not worthy enough for execution nor other Dons’ fateful desires. All Asesinos are evaluated upon arrival, after non-exhaustive psychological and combat tests and sent immediately into the hot zone so they can be deployed hastily. They are expected to manage with the equipment provided, as they will not be granted more until they accomplish their part of the deal. Asesinos work in a need-to-know basis, and they never provide more information than necessary.
Main objectives for Asesinos:
- Protect HS> and other Outcasts, giving their lives if necessary.
- Disrupt House Militaries, Police and Corporations.
- Pirate everyone they see, except formal allies.
- Remove the competition.
Completion of objectives, in the long run, will permit the Asesino a sole chance to appeal the Chamber of Dons and achieve reinsertion into Outcast society, vouched by Malta Hyperspace Starfleet. If the Asesino fulfills his/her role, but fails to survive, the restoration of his/her family’s pride and wealth can be possible, depending on the achievements obtained and the testament left. Desertion will not be tolerated and Malta Hyperspace Starfleet reserves the rights to employ any method of punishment for those willing to show their cowardice.
Technology allowed for Asesinos:
As part of Malta Hyperspace Starfleet, all personnel must have the minimal expertise to handle every kind of vessel at their disposal. In Asesinos’ case, they are encouraged to use fighters and bombers of Border Worlds Series or Conquistador Series. Another type of ship is not recommended but allowed, in order to spend minimal resources.