Good day to the staff at Swift Mining in Frankfurt!
Our Bochum Depot facility in New Berlin would like to thank you sincerely for your base's ability to keep the Aluminum run to New London strong!
We often see traffic from this run in the form of traders grabbing Toxic Waste bound for Sigma-15 disposal facilities, but they always intend to grab Aluminum on the return trip so they can either profit from directly heading to New London, or merely storing at our facilities until they coordinate to head out to Bretonia with their valuable cargo!
We are proud to refer traders who inquire about the run to your facility - we know you never disappoint when it comes to supply!
Safe travels and profitable ventures in the future!
Direct call from:
Ship - Sirius.Star - Titanic class hauler
IFF - Interspace Commerce
Personel: Captain Gustaw Bekenbauer
Guten tag dear friends & buisness parters.
Thanks to establishing of Swift's Mining Co.1 our company noticed great increase in profit while doing cargo runs in Rheinland recently.
That comes pretty much thanks to the cooperation with your facility.
Becouse of that we have set a budget to aid Swift's Mining Co.1. In any maintace or development that will be required.
We have already transfered first, small donation to your accounts Mr Swift, as a prof of our good will.
Soon we gona send next ships to pick loads of alluminium ore from your storage facilities.
Its a pleasure doing buisness with you.
TO: Swift's Mining Co. 1 staff
FROM: Alexei Tarasovich, Chief Logistics Officer, AWES
Subject: Recent Base fill
Esteemed staff at Frankfurt's most active mining facility, we are pleased to have rendered aid to the filling of your station recently with the highly sought-after commodity of Aluminum.
At the request of one of our clients, your freelancer friend, President Jeff Simpson, we proceeded with a mining operation to fill your base with enough of this commodity to satisfy the short term demand for the region.
Our summary of the operation is as follows:
Total Aluminum Ore deposited on base: 140,000 units at end of mining ops
This amount topped off your capacity and will hopefully allow fulfilment of regional shipment contracts you have.
If you have any requests for future services of this type, we are always at your disposal, as we would be for any clients contacting us throughout Sirius.
Until the next meeting,
Alexei "The Gypsy" Tarasovich
Chief Logistics Officer, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
Incoming transmission recipient:Captain Gustaw Bekenbauer
Greetings Captain Gustaw Bekenbauer,
Thanks again for considering Swift's Mining Co.1 for all your Aluminum needs!
Sorry for our Extreme late Reply our Comms were down and we Lost multiple incoming Communication due to this problem, The Problem has been taken care of and the Specialist we hired has found that an incoming ship had collided with our Main Receiving Antenna and caused intermittent reception, So the base was unable to receive your transmissions at that time. When we pulled backlogs of Transmissions and found a lot of transmissions we didn't know anything about, So we at Swift's Mining Co.1 are happy to report now communications have been fully restored. and Operations are back in full swing.
At this time we have just Started a base upgrade, and if your offer of assistance is still there we could use some help at this time, the prices for base goods will be set to a fair price, this may give you and other Transport Captains the opportunity to make some extra cash to bring needed Items to our station and not have to come empty-handed.
Please, once you're docked use the F9 computer uplink to our base to see what's needed, all external incoming base Upgrade materials help to get the Upgrade done in a more timely manner, and are Greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Thanks in advance for any help, Please send a Digital Confirmation here of your drop-offs for a 2 million Bonus for each Digital Confirmation, Also with the ship name to send the bonus too.
// Digital Confirmation = (Screenshots of Exterior View of my base, Showing your Cargo in your hold and a time stamp on the screen)
Swift's Mining Co1, Administrator
Swift Enterprises
Swiftwing, Owner, and Operator of Swift's Mining Co.1
Swift's Mining Co.1 is always Very Grateful for help with base stocking and Flow of Aluminium Ore, in and out of my Base, and a Restock of 140k is no small task, So I will forward a small Bonus, as a Thank you . that can be used as you all see fit.
Here is the check for the Funds Transfer, And below it, is the confirmation that the Amount has been transferred.
[22.06.2022 20:37:58] [2022-06-22] 20:38:05 You have sent 25.000.000 credits to AWES-Bank1.
Thanks again for considering Swift's Mining Co.1 for all your Aluminum needs!
Swift's Mining Co1, Administrator
Swift Enterprises
Swiftwing, Owner, and Operator of Swift's Mining Co.1
To: Swift's Mining staff From: Essen Station - New Berlin Subject: Krüger Mineralien trade agreement offer
Heinrich Stuhl here
Im sending this document to offer you a opportunity to expand both our bussines. As you know, Kruger miners mine Aluminium in Frankfurt, we would like to ask acess to your base to store mined material there, with a fixed price, in return, we would offer to your pilots acess to our mining storage installations in Omega-7 system.
You wont have to worry with people taking ores from your instalation, Kruger pilots will keep the base full. And our transports will not have to wait for a miner to arrive, can simply get the ores at your instalation.