Lieutenant Commander Mahdi Bakeri. Ever since your resurgence and the Rising Star Award you have earned, you have been the true carry of the First Armada. You lead our scalp board, terrorised the Xenos in Colorado relentlessly and have even brought in new recruits and assumed a strong leadership role. You have earned your promotion to Commander of the First Armada.
Cadet Corey Holden and Tony Buffalo. You are both hearby promoted to the rank of Crewman. , your'e introduction to the ARMADA has been nothing but exemplary in all actions.
Corey Holden. , your'e combat prowess has caught the attention of Admiral Harrison, who has recommended your promotion.
Both of you have deserved this promotion for your dedication and after all covering extra shifts always.
Crewman Seth Cummings and Corey HoldenYou have been given a commendation from the Office of Naval Intelligence for your mission performance in Ontario. For this and your previous service, you have both earned the rank of ENSIGN of the First Armada.
Congratulation, Ensigns Seth Cummings and Corey Holden!