:nono:[KoF]-Strobe this carry on has embarrassed the entire [KoF]-Organisation.
As a punishment I now order you to delete the [KoF]-Strobe character.
We do not need a War with the Liberty Navy, they are our friends and allies.
I also order you to return to St. Paul in Minnesota for a medical and a thorough psychiatric evaluation.
To the [LN] I apologize for the erratic behaviour of this pilot.
Too much time away from family and too many long hours in space have obviously had an affect on the mental health of this individual.:wacko:
The matter will be dealt with internally so that there will hopefully be no repeats of this unfortunate incident.
Very well. Seems this case has been settled rather nicely and quietly. I would have hated to be the one ordering something disastrous for a Libertonian corporation.