Recipient: Arthur Ortega Sender: Massimo Insigne Location:Battlecruiser Perdition
The fool we were supposed to wreck havoc with against the Zoners, Fabricius, went underground after you confronted him to reveal his allegiance, the coward. It feels that his plan was to use the Black Sails to do the dirty business of some major Corsair players that operate in the region. It's a striking coincidence of this fools name and the command battlecruiser Fabricius of the Deterrence fleet, but as of now it remains nothing more than an assumption.
Since our plan ate dirt, I had to become creative and find a profitable way to enjoy our time in Omicron Theta. Therefore, in the following days, our fleet will terrorize the Zoners from the region, with the aim of making up the financial losses we sustained while deploying our fleet to the Omicrons. We shall attempt to collect a bit more over that, to support our brethren from Cadiz who launched the attack in the Hammen Hole against the Red Hessians.
I'll report the plunder we squeezed once our fun with the Zoners is over.
Recipient: Arthur Ortega Sender: Massimo Insigne Location:Cruiser Vendetta
Arthur, this is Gold, I'm telling you,
As you know, we just commenced the Zoner hunt. It was going well, slow and steady. We managed to close in on a Phoenix destroyer, and right when we were about to pounce, an ALG barge showed up. As it was filled to the brim with valuables, please excuse us but we jumped on it like a fox on a hen. In the meantime the Phoenix managed to escape.
On our way back to Freeport 9, we ran into this odd dude, the captain of a Colony ship that goes by the name Freeport 13. It seems he was returning from an errand, so he had no direct involvement in the events of Theta. Still, a token sum was in order.
Now, here comes the bombshell. Around the Freeport, we ran into a Zoner carrier, the ZCV-Kaldra, piloted by Jerard Voncloud, the ex administrator of Pygar. This made no difference, but his prior allegiance with OSI made him a prime target for piracy, as we won't soon forget their treachery. One thing led to another, after he refused to honor our modest demand of 20.000 SC.
Shortly after and a dead sniffer in between, the Kaldra was crippled to the point where it couldn't be combat effective, at which point Voncloud submitted to our demands. Poor fool, his problems were only starting, as a wing of elusive fighters that go by the callsign Noth went down on him, with the intention to end his life. They did managed to cripple the Kaldra even more, to the point where escape pods were all over the place. Some were lost to the Noth, some ended up on the Freeport, and some did ended on the Vendetta. Little did we expect to run into such luck, as Voncloud himself ended up in our hands. Immediately we adjusted course to Tripoli, and we are on our way to Cadiz as we speak.
Being stranded in Bretonia for well over an year now, there's not much that we know about Voncloud, but his disappearance and our assault on the Zoners caused a huge panic within the bigger factions of the Corsairs. The biggest lot of fools that I ever met, I'm telling you. Deterrence's video feed comes on a harsh tone, ordering us to obey their pact with the local zoners, while the other maggot is disrespectful towards the Black Sails, despite having an interest on us. What I can appreciate them for is serving me on the table all the information that we needed about Voncloud, most important his value to them, and our ability to force leverage.
I'll let these cabrons boil up a bit, while we calculate our next move. In this time, signor Jerard Voncloud will remain comfortable on Cadiz.
Recipient: Black Sails Sender: Massimo Insigne Location:Battlecruiser Perdition
I've been in shit deep till the neck recently, apologize for the blackout. Despite my best efforts, the Black Sails are about to fall in disgrace in front of the honorable corsair factions of Deterrence and the Brotherhood.
We managed to get hold of a pawn of their plan to subdue Theta to their rule, thus attempting to freeze the conflict these fools wanted to prolong for their own bravado on the expense of the Empire. We attempted to negotiate a deal with them, by giving up this pawn, who is a zoner, in exchange for the cease of hostilities in Omicron Theta. Our proposal was met with fierce resistance as the pride of both the Deterrence and the Brotherhood was seriously stained by their failure of keeping this pawn within their hands, therefore they threw on the Black Sails an avalanche of threats and ultimatums, with which we limpiamos el culo.
Said ultimatums have already expired, but those maggots failed to remain true to their threats, so far. Judging by their new found love for the zoners, for which they may declare the Black Sails as enemies of the Empire, we have devised a battle plan that will be put into action immediately after their betrayal:
Inquisición del Amanecer
Phase I: Adaptation to the new geostrategic situation of being labeled as enemies of the Empire
Phase II: Pacification of the combined Brotherhood and Deterrence hostilities within Omicron Theta
Phase III: Neutralization of the treacherous leaders of the Brotherhood and Deterrence
Phase IV: Restoration of the might of the Empire
Phase I:
Due to the imminent threat the Black Sails are facing, under order of Arthur Ortega, the following shall enter into force immediately:
- all personnel leaves and rotations are hereby revoked. Proceed to your assigned stations within 24 hours;
- field commanders shall prepare their respective battlegroup for a full retreat within neutral space. Individual orders shall follow;
- once the fall back order is issued, you have 6 hours to depart. Inform your field admirals of this development, so the current front you were assigned to won't fall immediately;
- once departed, deploy long range recon patrols and establish a 30 clicks perimeter along the retreating battlegroup. Retreat to neutral space by the safest possible route;
- once in neutral space, stand by to receive further orders from high command.
Individual orders:
Battlegroup "El Atardacer de Libertad" stationed in Dublin, comprised of battlecruiser Muerte Eterna, cruisers Sombra Tormenta, Santa Cervecita and their support vessels shall retreat towards Trafalgar in New London. Throughout your presence in New London, battlegroup "La Miseria de la Reina" shall provide escort. Restock and resupply on Trafalgar, then proceed to Cambridge, where you should expect battlegroup "El Abismo de la Esperanza" to reinforce and rally at your side. Continue to Omega-5, where battlegroup "Callejon sin Salida" has established a safe corridor towards your final destination, Ithaca, via Omega-11;
Battlegroup "La Miseria de la Reina" stationed on Trafalgar, comprised of battlecruiser Sombra Nocturna, cruiser Vaca and their support vessels, shall assist battlegroup "El Atardacer de Liberdat" on it's retreat from Dublin to Cambridge. Once it safely left New London, it shall make sure no hostiles continue to chase the "El Atardacer de Liberdat", then return to Trafalgar, where it shall continue normal pillaging operations. All plunder shall now be redirected to Ithaca in Omega-7;
Battlegroup "El Abismo de la Esperanza" stationed on Cadiz, comprised of battlecruiser Noche Eterna, cruisers Sangra de Ventru, Desmoralizador and their support vessels, shall proceed to Cambridge to reinforce and support battlegroup "El Atardacer de Liberdat" on it's retreat to Omega-5. Proceed until the final destination, Ithaca;
Battlegroup "Callejon sin Salida" stationed in Omega 5, comprised of command battlecruiser Noche Alma, battlecruiser Perdition, cruiser Vendetta and their support vessels shall establish a corridor within Omega 5 and Omega 11, so our retreating battlegroups shall proceed unhindered towards their final destination. Act as the rearguard. Once our battlegroups have reached Omega-7, fall back to Ithaca.
Upon the arrival in Omega-7, establish perimeters outside Ithaca's sensor range and outside the normal patrol routes. It's crucial to not raise suspicions of an invasion, so Arthur Ortega can arrange our stay on Ithaca.
Further orders shall follow as we'll enter Phase II. For now, I wish you best of luck in completing your tasks.
I have received your orders and my squadron has been mobilized. My forces will be ready to act as our rearguard if we need to evacuate. We will make sure the Mollys don't try to take advantage of these developments, should we need to relocate our forces.
In the meantime, we will continue to press our advantage against the Mollys and Bretonians in Dublin until it would be unwise to do so. If negotiations fail between our kin in the Omicrons, we will be ready to act accordingly. We have worked hard to secure the positions we have here. I'll be damned if we let our Bretonian enemies get it back for free. I have instructed my wing to not help another damn Corsair in our space unless it's another Black Sail. I'm done playing baby-sitter.
Should you need me for something more important, I will be stationed on the Santander.
If we're going down, we're taking as many as we can with us.