my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
As it's always good to have inventive and enzusiastic shipbuilders in and/or near Rheinland, I'm going to warn you, ze Rheinland government is probably going to restrict your newest addition, ze Bulwark, to law-enforcement-only use.
I'd like to offer you a proposal for ze legal possibility of flying your own ships in ze civilian Rheinland core space.
For such a proposal I would need:
A way to visually identify ze ship
Usable technical documents concerning ze offensive and defensive capabilities
Documents, zat confirm ze ship's cargo capacity, including specialized and/or hidden storage room
If you are interested, please provide ze necessary data.
I'm sure, I don't have to outline ze economic benefit for you.
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. User ID:Daniel J. Lennox Recipient:Oberrätin Renate Bommel, Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Subject:RE: Bulwark .
I bid you a good day, Oberrätin Bommel
My name is Daniel Lennox, a member of the Board at Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing, and I am representing our company in this matter. I must express my regret that instead of our product being recognized as a revolution and a step towards a safer future - where civilian logistics can finally keep pace with pirates and criminals who have, over the past thirty years, somehow acquired more and more fully-fledged warships - administrative obstacles are being placed before transport companies and private cargo carriers, even as trade routes become increasingly dangerous.
In spirit of the cooperation, we will share required details about the Bulwark.
Primary Armament: 1x Class 9 hardpoint, oriented rearward. Secondary Armament: 2x Class 6 hardpoints, oriented forward/rearward/downward. Point Defense: 3x Class 7 hardpoints, one at the bow, two on the keel of the ship. Weapon Capacitors: 32,500u recharge, 4,500,000u maximum capacitance. Additional Optional Equipment: Cruise disruptor, mine-laying system, ECM, hangar bay, and the option to install a jump drive for long-range expeditions. Shield Generator: Transport-class, 750 standard backup batteries. Armor: Proprietary composite armor enriched with iridium inserts for increased effectiveness against external shockwaves; theoretical strength up to 1,231,650 units. Mobility: 100 impulse speed; 220 with afterburner; 415 cruise speed.
Our ship is equipped with robust armor and a respectable defensive armament to deter heavily armed pirates. However, due to its dimensions and weight, it is very slow and unwieldy. Its cruise engine speed is deliberately significantly lower than that of frigates, warships, the competing Longhorn-class heavy frigate, or the Bustard-class carrier. Consequently, it lacks the tactical speed and agility that is highly valuable to criminal elements and pirates but is not crucial for transport companies, thanks to the ability to utilize tradelanes. Therefore, police and naval forces need not worry that they will be unable to catch up to, surround, and impound these transport ships should some of their owners found themselves on the wrong side of the law.
The ship's cargo capacity is internally divided between a hangar - which occupies the most space - and a series of cargo compartments totaling 4,300 cargo units. The hangar is accessible via large external doors installed on the underside of our ship. The cargo space is accessible from both sides through specialized cargo doors equipped with tractor beams for easier handling of cargo. For weight-distribution and legal reasons, our ships are not designed with hidden cargo compartments in mind.
I understand your efforts to make civilian transports more resilient against attacks by unlawful opponents. I welcome zat on one hand, but I see abusive intents on ze ozer. Who tells me, zat your ships will not end up in ze hands of zose, whom usually tend to attack civilian transports?
If you found a way to prevent unwanted and unlawful usage of ships, including ze sirius second hand ship market, I'm eager to hear zat.
I'm sure you also noticed, I did talk about 'unlawful' not 'pirates'.
What happens in a case of war? Ze better customer wins has a clear advantage?
You'll offer ze Rheinland Polizei, as well as ze kaiserliche Rheinwehr, ze possibility to acquire your ships 65% - 80% below ze sale prices, zat you charge ozer customers. Zis includes ze training of ze ship crew, as well as furzer technical challenges, which might occure, if when we field ze ship into combat. I'm using here no exact price, knowing ze fluctuation of ze market might affect ship prices and training costs in ze future. In case of doubt, Bristol Constructions has ze burden of proof.
While ze Rheinland law-enforcement has ze ability to run long-lasting evaluations about ze (real, non-marketing) combat capabilities, Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing might take zis as a probation time.
You will be allowed to enter civilian Rheinland core space as long as you stick to our laws and follow our orders.
If you don't, ze deal will be over. If we find your ships in the hands of our enemies, it will be handled accordingly.
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Joined: May 2020
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Incoming Transmission
. User ID:Daniel J. Lennox Recipient:Oberrätin Renate Bommel, Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Subject:RE: Bulwark .
I bid you a good day, Oberrätin Bommel
It is our responsibility, as it is for all companies, to carefully select our customers. However, like other corporations, we have no control over how these customers utilize and resell their purchased ships. The only action within our power is to deny proper service and support at Bristol Bay Station due to non-compliance with our terms of sale. I need not remind you that equipping ships with devices for their remote neutralization is something appropriate for military vessels, not civilian ships like ours.
Unfortunately, your proposed terms are unacceptable for our company. It is not within our capabilities to sell these limited-production vessels at a 65-80% discount. While we, as a company, wish to have as many customers as possible, it is not feasible to sell potentially unlimited quantities of these ships at our own expense.
Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing is interested in continuing to develop constructive relations with Rheinland, but any agreement must be dignified and sustainable in the long term for both parties.
We appreciate your understanding and remain open to discussing terms that are mutually beneficial.
Yours sincerely,
Boardmember Daniel J. Lennox,
Bristol C&M.
it seems, someone in ze chain of commands decided zere mustn't be an agreement between Bristol and ze Rheinland Polizei.
All transmitted and non-transmitted proposals are hereby declared as void.
Any furzer communication in zis matter is considered unnecessary.