my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
Your installation was noticed during a successfully contraband smuggler chase wizin ze Ruhrfeld and my superiors asked me to remind you about your responsibilities, when operating a modular installation wizin ze empire of Rheinland:
As you're not affialiated wiz any Rheinland faction, I'll try to explain zis to you understandably:
Ze above mentioned modular installation is not registered in ze modular base registry. Zis is a violation of §7.1..
Ze modular installation contains of at least 2 weapon plattforms. If you cannot provide ze respective permission, zis would be a violation of §7.9.3..
I zank you for granting me docking permission, but I need to inform you, zat ze construction of cloaking device manufacturing facilities is restricted to Rheinland corporations only as declared in §7.9.4.. You are also encouraged to adjust your inspection time to be between 5pm SMT and 10pm SMT , as it currently violates §7.9.5.
I hereby levy a warning fine of 500.000 sc, which has to be paid to ze KPR|Bank and I encourage you to apply for an approval.
Should you miss ze transfer of your fine or I cannot see any efforts to receive a proper registration until ze 5z January 835, any furzer operation of ze installation will be treated as violation of §7.10. and will be treated accordingly.
my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
Your installation was noticed during a successfully contraband smuggler chase wizin ze Ruhrfeld and my superiors asked me to remind you about your responsibilities, when operating a modular installation wizin ze empire of Rheinland:
As you're not affialiated wiz any Rheinland faction, I'll try to explain zis to you understandably:
Ze above mentioned modular installation is not registered in ze modular base registry. Zis is a violation of §7.1..
Ze modular installation contains of at least 2 weapon plattforms. If you cannot provide ze respective permission, zis would be a violation of §7.9.3..
I zank you for granting me docking permission, but I need to inform you, zat ze construction of cloaking device manufacturing facilities is restricted to Rheinland corporations only as declared in §7.9.4.. You are also encouraged to adjust your inspection time to be between 5pm SMT and 10pm SMT , as it currently violates §7.9.5.
I hereby levy a warning fine of 500.000 sc, which has to be paid to ze KPR|Bank and I encourage you to apply for an approval.
Should you miss ze transfer of your fine or I cannot see any efforts to receive a proper registration until ze 5z January 835, any furzer operation of ze installation will be treated as violation of §7.10. and will be treated accordingly.