Admiral Richard France
Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet
Unification Fleet
Admiral, I am glad to speak with you. Today in our conversation I want to put an end to the disagreements of the Royalists and their internal resentment for past failures in the history of Gallia. We, like all of the Gallic Union, are fighting for one goal - the safety and security of our home and its citizens. We must not lose sight of the fact that we do not have the powerful forces that were in the Gallic Royal Navy. The Gallic Union is a place where both Royalists and former members of the Council can stand under one flag, no matter how unpleasant it is for all Royalists to hear that our fleet has sworn allegiance to the Gallic Union and our next step is to strengthen our ties with it by uniting with the Gallic Combined Fleet. I hope that the rest of the Royalists will also show tolerance and humility and forgive their internal grievances and begin to fight with the united house of Gallia! Admiral, I and my officers and ship captains are ready to unite with the Gallic Combined Fleet!
· Sender: Grand Amiral of the Flotte Combinee Célestine Delacroix · Recipient: Admiral Richard France · Subject: The call for Loyalty
You have fought beside us. You have defended Gallia’s interests with steel and fire. Your record against the Bretonians and Crayterians speaks for itself. You and your officers have stood firm in battle, proving your mettle time and time again. But now, it is not enough to fight for Gallia - you must become Gallia.
There is no more room for divided loyalties. The Royalists are gone. The Council is gone. The past remains behind us. We have forged a new Gallia - incorruptible, just, unbreakable. A Gallia where honor is measured by service, where duty outweighs privilege, where the military stands as the sole guardian of our people’s future.
Your men and women have earned their place. But your banner has not. If you are to stand with us, the Gallic Royal Guard must cease to exist - not in spirit, not in name, not in practice. If you pledge your loyalty to the Gallic Union, you will bear a new insignia, a new purpose. The Gallic Regime Guard - [GN]GRG - will rise, carrying the flag of the Combined Fleet. You will retain your autonomy, your command structure, your traditions - but you will answer only to the Chain of Command of the Gallic Union. You will stand alongside the Main Fleet, the Security Bureau, and the Gendarmerie, as an arm of Gallia’s iron will.
Should any remnant of nobility seek power through means other than service and merit - you will crush them, without hesitation, without mercy. This is the duty we all share. The Military and the Navy alone shall guide Gallia forward.
Your choice is before you, Admiral. We expect your response.