⠀⠀⠀┌ Metadata
⠀⠀⠀├── Source: New Paris monitoring station
⠀⠀⠀├── Sender:'La Chouette'
⠀⠀⠀├── Recipient(s):GSB
⠀⠀⠀└── Subject:Remapping of Gallia. Phase 1.
Commenced patrol from Rambouillet. Linked up with the Gendarmes in Picardy. Verified new navigational points en route and alongside. Encountered a most uncouth Sirian captain in Aubigny Orbit. Gendarme issued 10000 franc fine for illegal vessel hull, scans suggest illegal equipment as well. Unfortunate that the primary objective has been sidetracked but there is plenty of time still.
I began a patrol with the Battlecruiser Sisteron in the Orkney system on orders from the Admiralty Security Bureau. As instructed, I focused on investigating rumors of an unknown danger in the Champagne system, to which I immediately proceeded.
Continuing my patrol, I proceeded as ordered to the Burgundy system to investigate gravitational anomalies in the Saint-Remy nebula. In the 5G/H quadrant I discovered another unstable jump hole.
The outlet is located in a mysterious nebula through which the Medium Green Star was visible.Examination of the spectrum of radio and infrared stars gave the answer that the system I found myself in was Omicron Apha.
I would like to confirm that the rumors of a heavy slave rebellion and the resulting damage to Outcast's infrastructure are true. During the flight near the planet Malta, I recorded damage and cyclic explosions of the planetary docking ring.
As you can see in the image posted, the only Ranseur-class Dreadnought Basilica is orbiting near the planet. This confirms the rumors about the significant weakening of the Maltese forces.
For the safety of the Gallic Union, I recommend placing several towers near the Burgundy unstable jump hole and frequent patrols in the area.
I would like to report a further reconnaissance mission, this time in the southwestern Taus area.While exploring the Orkney system, I came across a Maquis destroyer in sector C3.
I wondered what the Gallic Union enemy destroyer was doing in this area, after a short reconnaissance I found a jump hole to the Rousillion system (in the southern area of the C/D4 quadrant).
After flying into the Rousillion system, I undertook to map the entire system so that our brave Navy would know what the situation was like in the only system of FLG terrorists.
The treacherous battleship Pamiers is still parked in Toulouse's orbit.
If possible, destroying this repair station should be given the highest priority.
Continuing the reconnaissance, I discovered the battleship Resurgent stationed between the planet Anglers and the moon of Tarascon. Considering the royalist propaganda he broadcast, it is easy to guess his affiliation.
It is puzzling that terrorists coexist with royalists in one planetary system.
However, in the Ariege Nebula I discovered an old asteroid, although the silent signals transmitted indicate that it is used by Gallic Brigands, but the base did not react at all to my close presence.
I am currently in the Tau-31 system, taking advantage of the neutral favor of the IMG at Holman Outpost. I plan to begin infiltrating Bretonnia's systems from here.
As per the previous report, I went on a further mission to infiltrate the Taus and Bretonnia systems. Nothing significant occurred in the Tau-44, Tau-29, Baffin, and Coronado systems. However, my entry and mapping of the Newcastle system was completely different. Well, in quadrant 2E/F of this system there is the Bretonia Intelligence Service base - Sunderland Station, which is adjacent to the Nomad generator!
Considering the existential threat the Nomads pose to all of humanity, the activities of the Kingdom of Bretonnia are extremely irresponsible. I would be failing in my duties if I did not recommend appropriate action to be taken in this situation, including, but not limited to: I suggest contacting Admiral Golański, who commands the Order, so that appropriately trained forces can take a closer look at what the Bretonnian secret services are doing in the Newcastle system.
Since my last report I have been trying to quietly infiltrate the New London system from around the Belvedere Refinery owned by the ALG Corporation. In orbit of the planet New London, I discovered a large concentration of Bretonian naval vessels.
I then proceeded to the neighbouring Cambridge system, on arrival I encountered a BAF ship in the jump gate area which tried to stop me, I managed to avoid it, it later threatened my destruction.
[11.11.2023 15:13:46] BAF|A-HMS-Inspiration: Walker: Pilots.
[11.11.2023 15:13:52] BAF|A-HMS-Inspiration: Walker: Hold it, GNI.
[11.11.2023 15:14:25] BAF|A-HMS-Inspiration: Walker: A mistake.
[11.11.2023 15:14:27] [GN]SB-Jeanne.Henri: Au revoir!
[11.11.2023 15:14:35] BAF|A-HMS-Inspiration: Walker: You will be eliminated for insubordinance next time.
Interestingly, a moment later, there were messages on the air that I identified as being transmitted by Sirius Coalition ships:
[11.11.2023 15:15:17] =NWI=CPW-016-LiaoNing: Huang:Me?you!
[11.11.2023 15:17:12] =NWI=QingJie,Zhang: Zhang: A little represent from the coaliton.
The invasion of the Sirius Coalition fleet on Bretonia explained the large concentration of the Kingdom's forces in orbit of its capital.Unfortunately, despite my efforts, I could not find them anywhere in the Cambridge system. So it is possible that they were using advanced cloaking systems.
It wasn't until I returned to the vicinity of the planet New London that the battle there became apparent to me. Interestingly, a ship belonging to the Corsairs was also orbiting in the area, although it did not appear to be involved in the battle. I would like to report that, from my observations, the Kingdom forces suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of the Sirius Coalition. This may be a good time to take more decisive action against our hostile neighbour.
I am enclosing visual images of the battle I observed.
⠀⠀⠀┌ Metadata
⠀⠀⠀├── Source:New York
⠀⠀⠀├── Sender:Stalker
⠀⠀⠀├── Recipient(s):SB
⠀⠀⠀└── Subject:Free at last
After such a long time...I have made it! At names, I have found one Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi and Caliban. I paid the latter 250,000 to get me out of Kepler, but I didn't exactly have a choice, did I? At last I was free, and I was on my way back. I rolled the dice through an unknown system and a massive Gate of unknown origin, I don't know where I was, but I ended up in Sigma-59 where there is a Rheinland Battleship. I will need to investigate further, my return back to Gallia will have to wait.
[11.04.2024 21:28:47] [GN]SB-Fantome: Oh, bonjour!
[11.04.2024 21:28:50] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: My patron is much better equipped.
[11.04.2024 21:29:11] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: You're not invited, Gaul.
[11.04.2024 21:29:18] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: Leave.
[11.04.2024 21:29:32] [GN]SB-Fantome: Well, trust me Sirian, I have been trying
[11.04.2024 21:29:33] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[11.04.2024 21:29:38] [GN]SB-Fantome: for 6 months now *curses*
[11.04.2024 21:29:39] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: Then try harder.
[11.04.2024 21:29:41] Caliban: Try harder.
[11.04.2024 21:29:50] [GN]SB-Fantome: And who might you be strangers
[11.04.2024 21:30:06] Caliban: A nobody.
[11.04.2024 21:30:14] [GN]SB-Fantome: Mercenaries, perhaps?
[11.04.2024 21:30:19] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: An Outcast who's asked you to leave.
[11.04.2024 21:30:49] [GN]SB-Fantome: Well - there's nothing that would delight me more
[11.04.2024 21:30:57] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: Then get on with it.
[11.04.2024 21:31:02] Caliban: For a small price I can get you out of here.
[11.04.2024 21:31:05] [GN]SB-Fantome: You bon Monsieurs can show me the way ?
[11.04.2024 21:31:10] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: No.
[11.04.2024 21:31:16] Caliban: Now now, Outcast.
[11.04.2024 21:31:22] [GN]SB-Fantome: You can? Oh thank the dieu
[11.04.2024 21:31:25] Caliban: Don't let a business opportunity go to waste.
[11.04.2024 21:31:39] Caliban: I can smell he's got deep pockets.
[11.04.2024 21:31:44] Caliban: Or sense, whatever.
[11.04.2024 21:32:01] [GN]SB-Fantome: Well, what's it going to take then Sirian
[11.04.2024 21:32:09] Caliban: 250.000 and I'll get you out.
[11.04.2024 21:32:11] [GN]SB-Fantome: I sent distress calls back home, nobody answered
[11.04.2024 21:32:22] [GN]SB-Fantome: This storm, it's been keeping me here so long
[11.04.2024 21:32:47] [GN]SB-Fantome: 250.000! Two hundred and fifty THOUSAND? you drive a hard bargain
[11.04.2024 21:32:57] [GN]SB-Fantome: How about 100,000 Sirian
[11.04.2024 21:32:58] Caliban: Would you like to take the Outcast's offer instead?
[11.04.2024 21:33:41] Caliban: I'm afraid taxes for immigrants are quite high nowadays.
[11.04.2024 21:33:42] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: Is your freedom worth that little to you, Gaul?
[11.04.2024 21:33:44] Caliban: And...foreiggners.
[11.04.2024 21:33:48] Caliban: Foreigners, fuck.
[11.04.2024 21:34:20] Caliban: I'll probably lose half of that cash to extra taxes. Interspace loves confiscating my hard earned money, you know.
[11.04.2024 21:34:49] [GN]SB-Fantome: Something tells me a fine gentleman that navigates dark matter storms isn't exactly big on taxes?
[11.04.2024 21:34:59] Caliban: Oh I assure you.
[11.04.2024 21:35:10] [GN]SB-Fantome: Le't call it 180,000 and you have a deal
[11.04.2024 21:35:11] Caliban: I'm a very honest and legal 'gentleman'.
[11.04.2024 21:35:23] Caliban: My offer doesn't go any lower, Gaul.
[11.04.2024 21:35:25] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: I fail to see how you're in any position to bargain, Gaul.
[11.04.2024 21:35:31] [GN]SB-Fantome: I doubt you will get a better business opportunity around these parts !
[11.04.2024 21:35:51] Caliban: I can wait for the next guy who wants to get out of here.
[11.04.2024 21:35:58] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: Yet, you, after six months, believe that you'll get a cheaper guide to help you find your way out?
[11.04.2024 21:36:26] [GN]SB-Fantome: :He curses as they see through his feeble attempt to get a bargain:
[11.04.2024 21:36:35] [GN]SB-Fantome: I...errrr.merde you got a point
[11.04.2024 21:36:38] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: My offer's still up. End you, here and now. After, I will gently nudge your lifepod towards the storm.
[11.04.2024 21:36:39] [2024-04-11] 21:36:38 You have sent 250.000 credits to Caliban.
[11.04.2024 21:36:48] Cipriano.Adimari|Aoi: You will be rid of all your troubles.
[11.04.2024 21:36:48] Caliban: There we go.
[11.04.2024 21:36:49] [GN]SB-Fantome: Well, you can't blame me for trying can you
[11.04.2024 21:36:50] Caliban: Follow.
[11.04.2024 21:38:02] [GN]SB-Fantome: Cruising? are you mad!
[11.04.2024 21:38:06] Caliban: Yes.
[11.04.2024 21:40:11] Death: Mystery.Gift suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[11.04.2024 21:40:21] [GN]SB-Fantome: How did you find this path
[11.04.2024 21:40:28] [GN]SB-Fantome: I never got this far
[11.04.2024 21:40:32] Caliban: I am a man with many abilities some consider unnatural.
[11.04.2024 21:40:56] [GN]SB-Fantome: *shivers*
[11.04.2024 21:41:10] Caliban: ...for short I'm a local.
[11.04.2024 21:41:19] [GN]SB-Fantome: To this hellhole?
[11.04.2024 21:41:22] Caliban: Yeah.
[11.04.2024 21:41:59] Caliban: See? We're basically done already.
[11.04.2024 21:42:07] Caliban: Money well spent, don't you think?
[11.04.2024 21:42:09] [GN]SB-Fantome: Not sure if I should be impressed
[11.04.2024 21:42:15] [GN]SB-Fantome: or concerned
[11.04.2024 21:42:19] Caliban: Be impressed.
[11.04.2024 21:42:22] [GN]SB-Fantome: What is that
[11.04.2024 21:42:29] Caliban: A fucked up station.
[11.04.2024 21:42:32] [GN]SB-Fantome: It's on ... fire?
[11.04.2024 21:42:39] Caliban: The reactor's still collapsing.
[11.04.2024 21:42:47] Caliban: Anyway...behind it you'll find the Jump Hole.
[11.04.2024 21:42:51] [GN]SB-Fantome: Is that the way ouy?
[11.04.2024 21:42:53] Caliban: It leads to Colorado. Good luck.
[11.04.2024 21:42:56] [GN]SB-Fantome: Well, bless you Sirian
[11.04.2024 21:43:01] [GN]SB-Fantome: I owe you my thanks
[11.04.2024 21:43:06] Caliban: No worries.
[11.04.2024 21:43:07] Caliban: Take care.
[11.04.2024 21:43:10] [GN]SB-Fantome: Good luck in this hellhole you call your local system
[11.04.2024 21:43:27] [GN]SB-Fantome: You earned your pay
There is an opportunity to destabilise Bretonia brewing. The Mollys of Dublin have devastated the Crown's reputation - Dublin is lost for Bretonia, and so are the rich gold deposits, BMM have been barred from the system altogether with Graves' destruction. Graves used to be a mining station, and according to our sources was the primary catalyst for the very rise of the Molly movement. And it is now gone.
There is no doubt in my mind that it is the duty of the Security Bureau to weaken Bretonia, to keep it weak, to provide the tactical option to the Grand Marshal to conquer the lost regions of the Gallic Hebrides and beyond. We must tread carefully, but an expedition to Dublin to assess the situation, and strategically support the locals through indirect means could be on the cards.
Our models also have with 39.45% certainty estimated that the Jump Gate blackout cascade has been caused by the Dublin Jump Gate destruction.
1) Needs to be investigated on the back end.
2) In the public eye, we have to find a way to shift the blame onto Ageira entirely. We must look for opportunities to plant evidence, look to influence public opinions of the houses or find any actual evidence of Ageira's faults. With the partnership with Rheinland, we have secured strong supply lines for the planned mass military revitalisation - and should we move on the Kusari-Crayter-Bretonia axis in the future, it is in our best interest that Liberty is no longer in a strong position to provide aid on a massive scale, and a weakened Ageira with destroyed reputation would go a long way towards that aim. The EFL expansion into Rheinland and onto other regions is not just an economic opportunity, it is of both political and military interest for the future of Gallia.