' Wrote:The Corsairs don't need Zoners for food any more. They have biodomes of their own. If Freeport 9 was to be attacked by Corsairs it would be for one of two reasons:
1) The Zoners continue to allow Hunters to dock there and continue to oppose Corsair expansion into Theta.
2) If relations elsewhere in Sirius (see Omega 49) get dicey, FP9 would be the one that bites the dust as an example.
Of course, the Corsairs may just scrag it because they want to set up a secondary industry in Freeport 9 memorabilia toothpicks created from the wreckage. We're unpredicatable like that.
It was a jesting cannibal poke, not a serious point about Food rations.:P
I think an OOC reg for cap ships above gunboat level might be beneficial just for head counting and logistics purposes, so that the players of those factions with said ships can be aware of the numbers of capital ships running around in PC hands and RP accordingly. It also may help players who want to keep the number of heavy caps within a certain range decide if they want to limit themselves and not play one for the benefit of community RP. I know if there are as many Juggs running about as is being complained about, I'd not ask anyone not to play them, I'd just not play one myself. Also, this could help those heading cap fielding factions and Disco authorities keep tabs so they can step in and advise the community of a faction or of the player base in general if they think things are straying too far in directions that could damage RP and the enjoyment of the game. I think this might help ease some of the anti-cap tensions and faction cap arguments we see pop up so often...
Well, sir, it appears that this particular warm, steaming dollop of dross has fallen into my lap.. and I don't even remember a Poll. or voting in one.
Let me wrap my Pineal around the particulars of the new Obligations I have been bestowed with, and I'll get back to you soonest. (Great way to start a vacation, eh?)
I promise I will try to keep everyone's RP enjoyment at a reasonably amusing level.
' Wrote:If you want your Juggernaut to be a colony ship, who is stopping you?
If you want it to be a mobile Freeport, who is stopping you?
If you want it to be a battleship, who is stopping you?
It can be many things. The Battleship Hood is a battleship no longer, for instance.
Good thinking, sir. Kudos.
The only drawback I see is, say, the Norichka family convincing LN/LRS that they're a peaceful family of explorers on their way from Houston to get some Hamburglers, and not some devious maniacs smuggling a load of rebellious spaceship crewmen and passengers out of Liberty..
The only drawback I see is, say, the Norichka family convincing LN/LRS that they're a peaceful family of explorers on their way from Houston to get some Hamburglers, and not some devious maniacs smuggling a load of rebellious spaceship crewmen and passengers out of Liberty..
"But officer! That's not cardamine! That's orange paint mix!"
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.