you cant compare ship sizes in freelancer. It's like saying our ships hold a billion people each because they're almost as big as the planets in the game.
Objects in space are (smaller or larger) than they appear, scaling is not done properly in freelancer, and for all we know the order light carrier could be twice as big as the rheinland BS.
Still, I prefer Jinx's explanation - carriers are usually designed with multiple launch bays or tubes to allow rapid deployment and retrieval of fighters. While a battleship may have more storage room for fighters, their launch bays dont allow more than one or two ships to launch at a time, and most battleships only have a single launch bay.
' Wrote:you cant compare ship sizes in freelancer. It's like saying our ships hold a billion people each because they're almost as big as the planets in the game.
Objects in space are (smaller or larger) than they appear, scaling is not done properly in freelancer, and for all we know the order light carrier could be twice as big as the rheinland BS.
Still, I prefer Jinx's explanation - carriers are usually designed with multiple launch bays or tubes to allow rapid deployment and retrieval of fighters. While a battleship may have more storage room for fighters, their launch bays dont allow more than one or two ships to launch at a time, and most battleships only have a single launch bay.
yeah, and the description for the order light carrier is what iirks me daily.
It says it can scan far away systems (it cant of course) and that it launches fighters (it also can't) so besides being a massive hulk of armor and shield and lasers, what DOES it do thats cool?
I think infocards need to match the item in question more.
' Wrote:you cant compare ship sizes in freelancer. It's like saying our ships hold a billion people each because they're almost as big as the planets in the game.
Objects in space are (smaller or larger) than they appear, scaling is not done properly in freelancer, and for all we know the order light carrier could be twice as big as the rheinland BS.
I strongly disagree with this, since all vanilla capitol ships and fighters are ALL scaled properly, you just have to take a close look.
If you look at early promos, the scaling for stations and planets was considerably different, they changed it latter to better accommodate reduced system requirements but the ships sizes in relation to each other is one of the few things that never was changed.
' Wrote:I strongly disagree with this, since all vanilla capitol ships and fighters are ALL scaled properly, you just have to take a close look.
If you look at early promos, the scaling for stations and planets was considerably different, they changed it latter to better accommodate reduced system requirements but the ships sizes in relation to each other is one of the few things that never was changed.
This topic had been brought up many times. There are issue with it. Not sure yo could even get the ships to spawn NPC's Also scaling up the systems would create a lot of work for the Dev team who are already buried. Scaling up would also make it take 40 minutes to get across the system.
Having played Eve..I do not want a 3 hour trip to get from one side of Sirius to the other like it takes in Eve.