' Wrote:I like to think of Cardamine plants looking most like hay or wheat, but with a funny looking alien twist to it. I suppose you could burn it, but from basic chemistry; when you burn something it turns into something else. This 'something else' may not have the same desired effect or may turn into inert substances useless for any sort of satisfaction/relief.
As far as I know all plants keeping the biological effects while burned. I'm sure about weed and 'shrooms. I guess cardi could be the same. And I must state that cardamin doesent exist, nor a lore for it. So its properties depends only on players thinking about it. And cardi-cola is fun, just as a 'cast who dribbles it to the eye for faster effect. Thats the main reason I started this thread. I was curious for the feedback what cardi (as I imagined) gives. And it has 800 years of culture in Malta, so a lore-like stuff would be benefical.
' Wrote:About Liquid cardi... ..I didnt disambiguated. Yeah there is a commodity made by the nomads, its real misterious and I'm not in the nomad stuff to say anithing about that. Nor the origins of the plant what is also connected to the them. I leave those questions for keeper players.
But that doesent means the Malta grown cardi cant be liquidified by outcasts - take cardi-cola for example. for me its hard to imagine the 'cardamin gas' in those masks. On what temperature its in gas-form? And how it made to that? For me the logical solution looks like those mask contain a liquid, what's destilled from the harvested seeds, and after vaporization it can be inhaled.
And about the time of forming a dependence.. I'd leave it to players who RP's an addict, who else would care how long was it exactly to become a junkie.
Actually there is on going ( although kinda slow at the moment) role play regarding Outcast working on making & using liquid cardamine & the Nomads assisting them in doing such. All of this is part of the Venice refinery project for Omicron 64 when it is completed.
Where I disagree with Dab is how it is took into the body. Cardamine is a grass. There fore it would pollinate. This pollen would be basically every where & in everything found on Malta. The water,, the air, the animals, other plants, thus Cardamine would also be in the food chain & could be ingested as well as inhaled. The Inhalers used by Outcast are just concentrated & purified for convenience of use & portability.
As far as the Cardi Cola, Cardi Tea, Cardi cheeseburgers.. I always figured it was the flavor of the cardamine, not it's dna altering properties that was the base of these items. If it is not , then yes Dab is correct, their role play is completely off. As a pollen would more than likely loose some properties after cooking.
' Wrote:After a few years it finishes adjusting your DNA. 3-4 times before your addicted. Cardi still has normal addiction attributes. Craving and all. The DNA happens over a few years and by then you're addicted the normal way and the DNA-way. And if you try to wean off the craving might go away eventually, but then your body will start killing itself because it's missing a vital resource that it now requires to run; Cardi.
Thankyou for the clarification Dab.
Not sure I quite understood the meaning beforehand, but now is good.
mabye they lace the (cardi cola burgers whatever)with trace amounts if such a thing even does exist again no way to tell nor come up with a fitting lore
' Wrote:Where I disagree with Dab is how it is took into the body. Cardamine is a grass. There fore it would pollinate. This pollen would be basically every where & in everything found on Malta. The water,, the air, the animals, other plants, thus Cardamine would also be in the food chain & could be ingested as well as inhaled. The Inhalers used by Outcast are just concentrated & purified for convenience of use & portability.
Well yes, ingestion would be the same as inhalation. I'm just saying it must enter the body through the nose or mouth, and doesn't seep into the skin, so we have the same position on this.