That is a good question.
And its all up to you how you want to rp the ship and its crew.
Having 15 names might seem a bit much,maybe limit to the CO,XO,Cheng,Comms officer,and weaps officer,and possibly your cargo master.That seems like a shorter list...and it covers all the major players( department heads) on your ship.
I hope that helps you a little.
Happy RP'ing.
It's true what Slartibartfast said, but in many cases I RP Captain of ship, comms officer , nav officer, and tactics only cause it creates better atmosphere around yourself and with people who are RPing with you.
It gives you better feelling for capital ships, how they are piloted and so.
I always see it as
There's usually only one person on the external comm.
I would assume that's the comm officer.
But for simplicty I only ever use the Captain.
If need be i add
Bod :
Frank :
But then I have to sort out whos who in my head, and I only have enough space in there for all of my disco captains, so, the comm's officers can go jump.
(Did anyone pick up the insanity in what I just said?)
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
I also have a large(ish, it's only a LTransport... for now) ship with several crew on board, but I generally don't use the captains' name in communications unless I know for sure that another person on board might interject. In the latter case, I'd probably just add a name to the non-captain speaker and attempt to make it clear through RP that the two are not the same person.
It can be quite fun to do and defiantely adds a new angle to some situations... But only if whoever is aiming at me holds fire long enough to type a coherent sentance. Which can be depressingly rare D:
Whatever the choice, neither is better or worse than the other, it's purely up to you. If you are speaking with multiple personas, though, I'd try and look at it from the perspective of a third party to ensure it does make sense.
Of course, in the case of single-person vessels, it's a little pointless. I do still see it used on occasion though, when the name of the character ship differs from that of the pilot.
Normally I (being the captain) would be elsewhere on the ship, therefore I rp my XO and major officers talking over the comms. It's only if the Captain is needed does he come to the bridge. I know it's illogical for everyone to be speaking over the comms but I think it adds atmosphere.
In real life the captain wouldn't shout over the comms "engage weapon systems and prepare for attack" anyway, he would say it on internal comms.
Seriously Red Crabbie man, the choice is yours.
There's no right or wrong way to do it.
You've been presented with certain options (there's more I'm shure! You could have a floating brain-in-a-jar being the only outside contact...)
You have but to open the door.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.