Bluntpenic makes a good point when he says that characters start off as simple and you let the game move them in ways that you would have never expected. I usually find out that the characters that you make all crazy and super from the beging and sound really great on paper, never really work out in-game.
Examples of my characters:
Roddy and Rita: Started off as two Mechants who happened across a gunboat. Now, they are captains in the Inquisition, Thwarted the Helghast's Planet Killer, Assisted in the Prevention of the Coalitions attack on Sirius, and Many other things that occured in-game.
Axel Topf: Started off as a regular MIlitary pilot with nothing in his RP save then 'I like Rheinland! And killing things!' Now he is more of a Leader and his role-play follows one who is devoted and his strikes are righteous and he is almost fanatical in his defense of the Father land. MOst of this un-folded in encounters in-game with pirates and fellow RM offciers. His list of Acheivements ranges from personaly executing tratiors and assisting in victory agaisnt the Heretics of the Rheinland Civil War.
I think people are missing the point. Rockwood will be dead in a year's time, he's barely conscious at this point. His successor will be Jacob Bonello, a completely normal human (albeit, SinTech and Cardamine have made a few adjustments, but nothing Uber). By 'Year' I mean at the point where I actually start the faction.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Note: All Factions listed as "Friendly" is a proposed friendship: Status with them will be discussed after actual creation goes through, if at all.
The Foundation Relationships
Suggested Tag: Modified Outcast
Asgard Warriors: Neutral
Aside from passing through the AW ZOI, Foundation intends to remain politely neutral in their conflicts, except where concerning Corsairs.
=BSG=: Downright Hostile
We are Cardamine-addicted semi-legal Outcasts. You are...IMG. You like to bring Battlestars into Alpha...No. Bad. Bad BSG.
Black Squadron: Neutral-Friendly
While we may not get along particularly well about Corsairs, we both share a dislike of the Liberty Navy, and have a direct and active interest in destroying the Nomads.
The Brotherhood: Downright Hostile
You Corsair. Me (semi)Outcast. Me Club Funny Corsair.
Bushido: Friendly
We all have grievances with the KNF; Let's blow 'em up together.
Benitez: Dead Hostile
Corsairs. Ready the Cess pool.
Darkwing: Neutral
We don't know you, and as long as we don't see you going out after us or our allies we won't have problems.
The Angels: Neutral
As a completely neutral organization, we shall provide the same for you, unless somehow somebody gets it into their heads to attack your craft, in which case our blades our yours.
Epigoni: Friendly/Allied
You're basically our half-brothers. We should be on relatively good terms...
Hellfire: Neutral-Friendly
We share very different objectives, but if you feel like nailing the Liberty Navy while we're handy we won't likely get in your way...
IND: Neutral-Friendly
We likely won't likely have many dealings, but with your relations with the 101st Guard squad, feel free to ask for assistance...
Junkers: Neutral
We have little business with you, except occasional restock at on of your depots, for which you will be duly compensated.
Jupiter Guild: Neutral
We may encounter each other often, but, assuming you don't engage members of the Outcast Alliance in our view, we will regard you as a neutral entity.
KNF: Dead Hostile
Our duty is to maintain the balance of power, and you've managed to disown one house and are making excellent progress on another. You must be halted.
LDDLG: Dead Hostile
See our Corsair Policy.
=LSF=: Unfriendly/Hostile
Liberty's Gestappo. If we see you do anything to us or our allies, we will become displeased.
Mandalorians: Neutral
More full-neutral mercs. 'Nuff said.
Nature's Last Hope: Unfriendly
We appreciate your ideals, but you ally with the Corsairs and harass the war effort against Kusari. Stay out of our way and we will refrain from killing you.
Nayehia: Neutral-Friendly
We see you as a relatively minor influence, but one we can respect and one that shares our dislikes. Enemy of my enemy.
NovaPG: Friendly
You have a noble goal and a formidable force by which to achieve it, and just so happen to share some rather important goals of ours. Give us a ring.
101st Ghosts of Razgriz: Friendly or Neutral
Like the Epigoni, we should be the best of friends, but the Guards often times with to stay uninvolved, so, if they wish, we will politely restrict interaction.
The Phantom Empire: Neutral
While we rather deplore your objectives, you are at least universal in your destruction, and we share a backyard. Best not to anger the neighbors, yes?
QCP: Neutral-Friendly
We see no reason to deny you anything, as you are in the employ of the Queen, with whom we are currently in something of an Enemy-of-Mine situation.
RoS: Friendly
More of the Outcast lot.
Rep-Ex: Unfriendly
We are not pirates or terrorists; however, Traders may wish to be mindful of the company they keep...
Red Hessian Army: Neutral
We are mindful of the objectives you keep, and wish no part of it. Rheinland is indeed one of our transportation arteries, and using the Tradelanes will make Foundation ops much simpler...
RM: Neutral
Rheinland has suffered hardships and pain; Why cause them more? They have done little to impede Malta, and their core systems are indeed excellent transportation routes to our allies in Bretonia that must be utilized...
SSO: Unfriendly
More Bounty Hunters...we aren't fond of people who hunt Outcasts, you know. Keep your hand clean while we're present, and we won't have any problems.
Sirius Federation: Neutral-Friendly
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. We want to blow up Kusari; Kusari wants to blow up you. SOunds like we got ourselves a deal...
South Alliance: Unfriendly
You have problems with our Order friends and like to put our Cardamine-haulers into the slammer: Not fun. Out of my way!
Temporary Autonomous Zoners: Neutral
You are a peaceful people dedicated to their beliefs; we respect that, and as we have no scruples, we will respect that neutrality.
UKMG: Hostile
The BSG's little brother, possibly even a front corporation. Vaporize them.
Union of Gold: Neutral
Mollys are part of our alliance, but we are currently more in need of the BAF's support than yours, so we will respectfully maintain neutrality.
That's the end of AC Merc's list. If anybody has anything sizeable to mention, please do so.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen