Having no idea who you are or what your faction is about, I think that you seem unhappy with what you are doing and should probably just drop what you are doing and do something else.
My opinion was formed entirely by reading post number one up there.
Since I have a long history of hating the hippy stereotype, I just decided, "Meh- ima own it from now on"
Anyway, I realize that those references go over the head of many people simply because of age. Hell, I didn't exist in the 60's either, so I figured I'll give a heads-up on 'em.
The Weather Underground was a left-wing terrorist organization that originally emerged in 1969 out of a political split within the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) in 1969 & indulged in bombing gov't buildings & banks as a protest to the Vietnam war.
Subterranean Homesick Blues is a Bob Dylan tune from 1965 & it inspired the title of the Underground's manifesto with the lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"
I can use the similarities of the split between the SDS & The Weathermen (their original name) & equate it to a split from the NLH...plus the title of the Dylan song fits like a glove with my 'Green Hell' baby, because every one of the characters I'm gonna use were all born in there.
Since each 'part' of the story progresses throughout the time span of one year, I felt that keeping with the song title thing would be pretty cool.
Part I: "A Hazy Shade Of Winter" (by Simon & Garfunkle)
Part II: I Live In The Springtime (by The Lemon Drops)
Part III: Summertime Blues (by Eddie Cochran/The Who)
Part IV: Autumn Forever (by The Moody Blues)
& an epilogue: Over The Hills & Faroe Way (Over The Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin)
And yes, the story ends with the Gaian exile out of Bretonia
I've got a couple more characters to introduce, then after that I can get around to starting the next part & getting on with it
The historian in me forces me to make this post, sorry Kev.:$:ylove:
The Weathermen were not so much interested in stopping the Vietnam war, (although they did want it to stop) their real goal was the overthrow of the American capitalist system. For them, unlike most leftist groups that used similar tactics at the time, the fight was not about the war, it was instead about the system.
I figure a handful of background characters is enough to start snowballing this puppy downhill & get to creating & sprinkling in the actual faction details.
oh good, your bump says what I was gonna suggest: Kev, you gotta launch your idea in-game. Been like two years or more you've been rattling around and molding an ideal Gaian Terrorist group. Disco will only be around for so much longer, the clock is ticking and it may not have another two or more years left.
Get that faction writeup, bug the admins for some terrorist IDs, and launch your baby before it becomes a full grown man that doesn't want to move out of his parents house. :P
No, really, Bretonia could use it. Out of all the houses Bretonnia would have a majority population who are unsure of their futures. The atmosphere is right for extremists to emerge. (or should I say, a step up from the extremists)
Funny. I feel kinda foolish for not considering actual terrorist ID's until you just mentioned it. What a perfectly excellent suggestion:)
I'm still thinking though that it's probably best to keep this thing off the server until .86 goes live & use the 'tween time to build up the faction specifics within the basic story line so that I can try to explalin what they're all about through the thoughts & actions of the characters involved in lieu of a standard faction write up. Besides, I can always do that after I do a live test run on server.
I had this grandiose, drawn out plan for gradually unveiling all the details, eventually ending the story with the upcoming Gaian slaughter when the Gauls invade Lewis & then picking a survivor to play as...but as I try to fit all the things I need & still keep to the format of telling a story through short individual moments of the characters lives, I realize I need to speed everything up 100% & just get on with it and finally get this stuff outta my head & into the open.
I've been motivated this past week to shake off the lethargy & get back to character & faction development, so I figure I'd grunt out a little bumpypoopoo.
& from now, you few that I've been discussing the \W/ with are more than welcome to add to the Blues as y'all see fit...y'know, if ya like.:yes: