Most Ai I have came accross ended being an agressive foe in too many cases. All in all, they, like mercenary and pirates, are opportunist to fight rather then role play.
Hopefully, you are not totally like that. Even an Ai must have a litle bit of human feel. By that I mean you should insert a prolonged chat there and there EVEN if they are your ennemy afterall. You often have richer roleplay with people you always tend to PVP with.
One thing to remember: Once you are involved in a battle, thats where RP is closed for the most part. You should always pick some potential target to ''exclude from a pvp scenarior''. Not everything in this game should always be a target. Sometime, you just got to have fun without always fighting. That way, people will tend to like you rather then trying to have a ''competitive'' revenge.
Example of a bad Ai: (hiden name) the chat coming from him before his engagement is either OORP or does not differ from the human it works for. And is fighting everything that can be killed ( players). The use of a AI is ,in that case , a pretext to PVP.
I don't think the AI ID is to blame. He could just as quickly do the same thing with an Outcast or Corsair ID.
It's not the AI ID thats to blame. I think a large part of it is that people percive AI'd players to be killing machines. and so this has influanced the devolpment of such characters
IMHO, if you wana be AI, just RP a normal ID as one.... i've met two fellas now who do it quite well. Much better experience with them than Chem.. But... as is, he is breaking no rule. and thus i shall leave him alone form this day forth... unless he gives me reason not to:D
I don't think the AI ID is to blame. He could just as quickly do the same thing with an Outcast or Corsair ID.
I guess the only question about this thread now is why it's here. Beyond Ocampo deriving a certain level of ^_^ experiment successful troll factor.
yea.........thats wrong in sooooo many ways
just one of em: the AI is neutral to libertonians making it possible for him to stay there and fly around without getting shot to much
if an outcast/sair cruiser would even as much as get CLOSE to the liberty system, i can ensure ya a LN gank is waiting....
you CANNOT say the AI ID compares to the OUTCAST/CORSAIR one, however you are right, the ID is not to blame, its just the player who has a rather bad personality (from my point of view atleast, i only know him from his actions, for all i know he can be a butterfly loving babyseal saving pandabear rescuing nice guy in Real life)
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever
Well the issue with the AI ID is that it carries no inherent conditions. The Merc/FL IDs operate in similar fashion but the bounty system serves as a buffer. In this case it's just one guy with msg1,2,3,4 and a universe of things to shoot at without any real oversight.
That's where the AI ID concern comes into play. Hence the notion of not being able to have nice things.
' Wrote:Well the issue with the AI ID is that it carries no inherent conditions. The Merc/FL IDs operate in similar fashion but the bounty system serves as a buffer. In this case it's just one guy with msg1,2,3,4 and a universe of things to shoot at without any real oversight.
While It's possible to RP an AI that does not decide to kill everything. The temptation to take the easier approach Is, In most AI's I've met. Stronger.
It's a csase of the ID NOT really having any preventitive conditions to stop this thing. And as long as it continues In this way. We will see things like this again
If it can be done in such a way where it does not completly remove the threat of AI's I think that would be a rather good move
I relise tghat I'm contradicting myself..But I'm more awake today:D