' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
[color=#FFFFFF]Does it really matter where it is? It's still +1, and the admins will move it soon
On topic.
We all make our choices, live our lives (however pointless they might be in the long term) and that dedicates partially what happens to your future. The process of making our future the way we wanted it to be affects other people as well who in turn are also aiming to shape their tomorrow, so it's a magic circle, fate is the collective derivative of the people's vision on the future, you have as much effect on your fate as your neighbor has who for example decided to shape his drunken future and ran you over on the street. Complex stuff, can't explain it in few lines so it doesn't become tl;dr but I did do a coursework in psychology on a similar topic
Unfortunately we(the"normal average") people can control only a little part of our life. There are certain logical and not-logical barriers which prevent us of taking full control. The society is so organised that in 99% of the cases you are just a battery in the system- like in the Matrix. You exist to work, you work to afford living, you pay taxes to cover the government expenses, your employer makes up to 10 times more money from your work , you go in pension when you are already 100% depleted and you cannot be used any-more.
The fate/luck etc. counts for the rest 1%. Unfortunately they are too small part of "normal,average" people. When less then 10% of the people in the world posess more then 90% of the global wealth, if you are not in this 10% you have the chance to reach certain level(excluded the 1% who are lucky/fate).
About the level I will give example with myself-
Real scenario:
I come from small and rather poor country, that's why I emigrated in other country with the idea to have bigger chances then in my country- this actually happened. I am about to finish my education in the state university then I will be able to earn minimal 35 000 '¬ and maximal 60 000'¬ depending on the firm culture and the specifics of the job.
Eventually now when I am 24 years old I am quite sure I wont be able to make more then 150 000'¬ per year till my pension time if I somehow dont make something illegal or somehow come in the so called 1% luck/fate group.
In the real world if you try the so called small business and you have less then 150 000 '¬ capital people laughs in your face and the chances to have success are really small.
Fictional scenario:
I born in the same small country where the same average people have less chances then the the other average people around the world but my family was one of the 10% mentioned above. Then my options are rather unlimited. I have access to better (private) education, better contacts better positions, more money...
private jets.... you get my point.
This is the truth in my eyes, the other stuff according to me it is fairy tales and mass media brain-washing to make us the "average normal " people happy and satisfied with what we got.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
I knew a person once. She was perhaps the most out-spoken atheist I ever met. She had opinions, and she made them known to everyone around her. And she wasn't just about religion. She was about government, theoretical physics, the economy, the environment, and the space program, too. Oh yes, she had very strong opinions on all of these things. And heavens forbid you should even say a single word that implied you disagreed with her, or you'd get an earful. Needless to say, she was never, ever willing to hear someone else's opinion on any matter. Her beliefs were the Absolute Truth, and anyone who did not adhere to these beliefs was a waste of her time.
One day, she attended some sort of sciencey-conference thing at our university. This was normal for her. She'd go to talks about all the things she already knew about and believed in, so she could be around other people who shared her beliefs and marvel at just how amazingly "right" they were. But this one conference was about something called "Block Universe Theory", which more or less states that everything in our world (past, present, and future) is already set in place in one, big "blocK". It's suggested that time moves along the block in a linear fashion, meaning that at any time, one could "cut out" a cross-section of our universe and see what was happening right then.
At least, that's how she explained it to me. And for the rest of the time that I knew her, she would always insist that it didn't matter what was going to happen to her, because it was "already going to happen anyway," according to this Block Theory Thing. And so I was utterly flabbergasted that this girl, who so vehemently detested religion and theology, would so willingly believe that all of our world is, essentially, predestined to be what ever it will be.
This girl is now living on some therapeutic farm somewhere south of Asheville, NC, and is recovering from drug-abuse issues. Her best friends there are sheep.
So there's my story about "fate" and "destiny".
Oh, wait...
Quote:Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions
Well, I think that we're all simply born from the imaginations of men on the internet who refuse to grow up and put silly things like video-games behind them. We are as characters in some cruel game of fate. We trade, fight, mine, and speak at the whims of our creators. We are mere puppets, created by and serving as entertainment for our gods.
All we can do is await our inevitable death at the hands of an inactivity-wipe.