Oy, now I be a representative o' the MacDara clan o' Mollys, an' though I be personally affiliated wit' the new unification movement goin' around, them [M] folks, I be speakin' here t'dae as a member o' the MacDaras first an' foremost.
Me name's Christopher MacDara, o' the O'Shaughnessy family, but folks call me Christie. Now, teh MacDaras 'ave 'istorically not been fighters, but rat'er, we 'ave been miners an' smugglers. 'ell, a'fore the whole Molly Republic movement rose up, we was managin' Mahgerfelt an' Belfast totally on our own.
Bein' as we 'ave 'istorically been a 'uge source o' income fer the Molly people, I feel what we oughta get our say 'ere. On behalf o' the MacDara clan, I'd like tae request teh followin' tings:
Taht all IMG minin' vessels in our Dublin syssem get taxed at least a million credits fer the privilege o' access tae the ore that rightfully belongs tae the Molly people.
That Mollys endayverr tae cease hostilities against teh IMG unless they actively be breakin' teh laws set forth by 'ooever be in charge o' the Molly territory that they be in, or if t'ey be breakin' teh mining agreem'ns.
Taht all Mollys, throughout negotiatin' dese here terms, recall dat not even twenty years ago, deh IMG were teh closest to friends any Molly could 'ave, outside o' his or 'er own bloomin' kinsmen, and dat we not get caught up in da reckless an' self-dastruckiv' clan feuds o' our ancestors, an' rat'er den take affer their example ('coz look where it got 'em,) we cowopprate tae make dis good for all Mollys.
Bein' a Molly be all about freedom, aye, but if'n we nae work together tae preserve t'at freedom, we're gonnah get smooshed back tae the old days o' piratin' an' occasionally launchin' attacks on BMM, bein' unable tae honestly state dat we were doin' a right thing, rat'er then jess' tryin' tae survive. If'n we dunnae work tagether, then this ain't gonnae work at all.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]##Packet signature is designated as C-Dara
Aight ye Mollys listen 'ere. We ain' goin' to let 'em IMG do things like in dah past. Ye can be with oos on this one, or not, it's yer choice. First problem we face is the IMG allowin' different forces to coordinate attacks on Mollys from Hood. They will deny this, but I will prove it. On the other han', that same Jack Henderson fella forbids Mollys to use Hood. What koind of a friend is dat? So, 'e lets em Hunters, Mercs an' Brets to hoide on em Hood, but Mollys can't? Do ye see sumthin' wrong with that?
Now, you must also keep in moind he's a lying bastard, and he'll do anything to assassinate us, O'Reilys. He wants to turn ye against oos, and he'll do it if ye don't play smart. First, he's lyin' that we attacked IMG core forces. O'Reilys didn't do such thing yet, we only destroyed some bugger who 'ad nothin' to do with em IMG|. So, demand evidence from this fool that we started attackin' 'is forces. But oi'll be sure to attack 'em in the future, bloody moiners, and oi'll show ye why.
Yesterday, me and few other Mollys managed to defend Arranmore from 'em Brets. Fools tried to 'unt us trough Dublin, and they just got themselves killed. Oi'll show ye the bravery of the true Mollys, even of one MMC who gladly gave 'is life to 'elp oos.
'Twas Bo.Littl and mahself most of the toime, it all happened in one fight. We killed 'em all Brets, even though vastly outnumbered. They just kept comin'.
Now, what's interesting 'bout 'tis is when we followed one o' 'em BHG to Hood, he called on 'is buddies who undocked from Hood and attacked us with 'em big bad Bottlenose ships. We beat dah crap o' that gunship and then guess what? It docked on Hood to save 'is loife. Isn't that a bugger? Bo Littl can confirm all mah claims, if ye dun' trust the O'Reilys.
Furthermore, the IMG undocked then and refused to enforce 'is big bad no firin' zone, not even to attack 'em enemies of IMG, the Mandalorians. They watched us Mollys gettin' shot and giggled. Oi bet they were disappointed to see oos survivin'. Well, 'eres the proof of that BHG fleein' an' dockin' on 'em Hood.
Now, there's something else ye need to know 'bout them IMG. Now we're sure it's been 'em sending 'em Reavers at us all the toime. Ye'r askin' yerself how? Well, we met one of 'em Reavers carryin' IMG equipment on 'is very ugly Kusarian ship. If this ain't enough for ye to trust us, then ye got a problem with yer brain.
The other Reavers also used IMG guns, sadly oi didn't git the toime to scan 'em. Ye want to bet which base dah Reavers are usin' for basin' their attacks? 'Ow about a tip... They're 'ostile to Brets too, so ye get the point. Only place where they can dock, in Dublin, is Hood. And they are usin' it for huntin' Mollys.
Oi'd add a noice suffix to 'dat Jack boy, ye know, oi'd add 'im that ugly word. Or we can just call the bugger donkey.
Now ye listen. We, the O'Reilys, are goin' to start a war on 'em IMG until Jacky is gone from Dublin. We ain' goin' to let 'em moine anywhere any longer. Ye other Mollys can do whatever ye want, we're not askin' for yer support, we just want ye to let oos do our thing. There will be peace with IMG when all Mollys are allowed to dock on Hood, just loike our enemies are. There will be peace when they start helpin' oos in our goals. Until now all they've been doin' is usin' oos Mollys for their profit, and we were supposed to be happy with that. Well, guess what dear Mollys, we ain' happy with that. We want Dublin free, we want 'em Brets gone. We won't accept to live peacefully, minin' and other stuff, while they're steppin' on our toes.
We are also in process of acquirin' some nuclear war'eads. Expect 'em Bret planets to be bombed soon.
Free Dublin!
--Transmission Lost--
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.