solaris all the way up. they'r even good against gbs
secondaries look like anti cruisers but... cruisers mortar you from 3k distance while secondaries can hit uptill 2k and from 1.5k pretty much a cruiser can dodge them till he gets out of range.
i haven't tried them yet againt gbs but i will tommorow.
Secondaries are anti-GBs and cruiser guns. And they're a good help for heavy BSs getting close to the light ones.
' Wrote:Cool. Now if I can somehow find a way to dock with a base, or they fix the bug i just have to get me some flaks.
Oh one more question. Do they still piss off every NPC in area.
Unmount your class 10 weapons, then it should work.
The flaks still do i think.
' Wrote:Before 4.86 came out they stated secondaries were going to be for snubs and GBs. I am still waiting to try them ofcourse since Yorktown still cannot dock anywhere without the server crashing.
Has anyone tried the flak cannons yet in 4.86? They were also supposed to be improved.
Unmount all your mortars. If it works then, sell them and rebuy them.
BS Secondaries are good as a defense against GBs and Snubs. Solaris lack the power very often and Gatling are too weak. Flaks cost too much energy and become useless in asteroid fields, as their shots explode when an asteroid is near. Flaks also have a delay when being fired.
I suggest you use some well-placed Flaks with either Secondaries or Solaris. Some people might also suggest a combination of Solaris+Gatling - Not sure if that helps, I doubt it.
Snubs still have the upper hand in battles against BS, unlike some people say, who complain about BS now being even more of an one-man army. Especially with the bombers having torpedos now caps are less effective. Thing is, you will always need more than one bomber to take out a BS, but if you have more than one competent pilot against that BS, the BS will die for sure.
So, my suggestion:
Flak + Secondaries if you can aim well and prefer dealing a lot of damage with a single hit
Flak + Solaris if you prefer to nibble down the enemies armor.
Secondaries are very effective against gunboats and cruisers. They are also marginally useful against bombers, as you can shoot them when they come in to try to SNAC you, as they must travel towards you for at least a small amount of time.