' Wrote:People get bored when they hold expectations for the Discovery mod, and the mod does not meet those expectations.
Yeah, thats great reason.
Also, dont forget, that everyone here- humans, who may change their interest, decided to take a break, got other stuff to do and many reasons.
How epic game Freelancer would be, how well discovery mod would be done- its only a game. Real life is real life- its always on first place.
P.S. If some players leaving, its not 100% means, that they wont comback.
What makes it worth while is lulzyness, competition, challange and conflicts. Typical rp stuff whith just exchanging words between diffrent characters who strictly obey their lore is damned to become boring soon enough.
Also there is no such thing as elitisim. Only people who fallow their own agenda better than others.. the idea that I should play this game for the sake of others is absurd. Therefor as long as I don't do anything which is forbidden by the rules I have full freedom to do whatever I prefer. Be it RP or PvP.
What you are actually trying to do with this thread is to impose your own perception on to others by trying to obtain "moral highground". This doesn't amuse me.