Hi I have a Junker character who is really into the cardamine/slave business and on numerous occasions helped people get into the trade. So today I am flying along in Tau-37 with my cargo hold full of cardamine and I see a poor Freelancer Trader with slaves in his hold getting jumped by some rookie IMG-pilot and I really want to assist the trader as he and I share the same sympathies and trade (and because the salvager can be quite fun in combat) - am I allowed to do so? The ID states that:
"1. Can attack PIRATES and TERRORISTS in self-defense, to PROTECT A TRADER OF AN ALLIED FACTION, or in defense of their bases."
I mean does a Freelancer Trader ID'd ship constitute "a trader of an allied faction"? And what exactly is covered by "terrorist"? To my character, the IMG pilot was terrorizing the poor trader and obstructing the cardamine trade route, which my character thinks should be open at all costs.
In ways the Junkers are a bit special because in some sense my Junker character, which is a pretty standard vice-oriented smuggling junker, has more shared goals with freelance cardamine traders than the "scrapping do-gooding always-afraid-of-getting-into-trouble-with-house-police-and-losing-docking-rights" sort of Junkers
That trader sounds more like competition, but it's your role and your choice. Since he wasn't corporate, helping him seems acceptable in RP. However, he wasn't exactly of allied faction, was he?
I believe that rule-wise terrorist is someone with Terrorist ID.
Feel free to PM me regarding any grammar/spelling/other language mistakes I have made in my posts.
' Wrote:That trader sounds more like competition, but it's your role and your choice. Since he wasn't corporate, helping him seems acceptable in RP. However, he wasn't exactly of allied faction, was he?
I believe that rule-wise terrorist is someone with Terrorist ID.
Yeah thats what I mean. In that sense the ID is sort of inclined towards a more lawful stance for Junkers, I guess. So ID-wise could I have engaged the IMG pilot? Or perhaps "pirated in non-house space", to use that rule to legitimize engaging in combat? Telling the fighter pilot to pay me 10 mil or else...
RP-wise I definitely think the motivation to attack is there. I don't see any other traders as competition because Malta is rich in cardamine supply - scarcity doesn't seem like an issue with new vendors opening up in Gallia for instance. I see it more like cardamine and thus the Outcast has made me rich, they let me operate in their space and furthermore I get along well with Liberty unlawfuls due to the Outcast-LR-LH alliance. So basicly my junker ows Malta all and will do what he can to help the Outcasts like they have helped him. Furthermore in this specific situation I am sure the fighter would have engaged me had the trader not been there - so it seems like common sense to take out this person while we are two transports against one fighter instead of letting him kill off the other dude and then wait for him to attack me some other day.