A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Forum rules Wrote:1. Not allowed on Discovery forums:
- Posting abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, racist materials;
- Advertising, especially commercial advertising, except (1) advertising your own gaming websites or forums or (2) your own game servers;
- Adult content or links to adult content; This includes any anime that is in any way slightly graphic or pornographic;
- Posting libel, defamatory, threatening materials and any law-violating materials;
- Posting copyrighted material that does not belong to you and redistribution of which was not allowed by the owner;
- Seizure-inducing pictures may be removed without warning.
Violating this will in most cases lead to a ingame and forum ban.
3. Flaming, abusing, and insulting other members in any form, with or without a reason, is not allowed.
4. Intentional offtopic is not allowed.
10. You troll you lose.
Freedom of speech, gents. I've had this conversation over skype with Kurosaur before now. Freedom of speech does not mean "freedom to sling abuse at anyone you feel like". To be free from people's persecution, be it personal or racial/gender/sexuality/whatever, should be (and is in my eyes) and equal right to that of freedom of speech.
Do they conflict with one another? Yes, to an extent. With every right you gain comes the responsibilty to excersize that right conscientiously.
A good number of people have failed so completely at that in this thread that it hurts my mind.