Hispania is mediterranian colony ship. It is only established by disco, that Outcasts are mostly of Italian origin. <strike>They</strike> Some might as well be of Turkish one.
There are Italian Outcasts
There are Spanish Outcasts
There are Libertonian Outcasts
etc etc..
It's up to the player, really.
Except if you want to play a nationalistic outcast, then where does your nationalism stand with? The italian, the spanish or the libertonian?
Of course we are all free to play whatever we want, my [LN] was called Casero, son of corsairs, Dieter used to have a KNF called John Miyagi, there was a BPA with a kusarian name. But still every house has its roots, and you could describe it easyly.
But, seems it's not that easy when it comes to Corsairs and Outcasts. The difference is simple, Houses are lawful and the nations in which they are based, let's say, are lawful too, OCs and sairs are unlawfuls and the nations they are based (play along with me here) are not.
I won't get more into the subject, basically because it exceeds my knowledges.
' Wrote:Corsairs and outcasts are both a mix of spanish and italians, with a sprinkling of all the other meditteranean folks thrown in.
That said, in the future, everybody basically speaks english anyway.
Of Russian:wacko:
No Matter How Good You Are, Don't Ever Let Them See You Comming
' Wrote:Except if you want to play a nationalistic outcast, then where does your nationalism stand with? The italian, the spanish or the libertonian?
Of course we are all free to play whatever we want, my [LN] was called Casero, son of corsairs, Dieter used to have a KNF called John Miyagi, there was a BPA with a kusarian name. But still every house has its roots, and you could describe it easyly.
But, seems it's not that easy when it comes to Corsairs and Outcasts. The difference is simple, Houses are lawful and the nations in which they are based, let's say, are lawful too, OCs and sairs are unlawfuls and the nations they are based (play along with me here) are not.
I won't get more into the subject, basically because it exceeds my knowledges.
wanna play an OC?
Use italian, spanish, greek, it won't matter.
Coming from someone who plays a nationalistic outcast running the smuggling operations of the outcast nation with origin in Liberty, I think that also applies to any and all options. If you have a char that's a die-hard outcast and you show it so that it's plain to see, you're gonna be accepted and respected within the actual RP of the outcasts.
I've also always played the Outcasts as Italian, but I guess it boils down to preference. Nowhere does it really state one way or the other.
As for the Italian in Assassin's Creed...I first played it Italian, and it's fantastic, really, some of the best voice acting I've ever seen. Then I played it in English. Ah, the horror..:no:
Edit: some short videos for comparison. Granted that these are not the best scenes either way. they are the only ones I could find both in English and Italian xD.
Edit n2: now that I remember, the worst part is not the "Italian accent" they try to fake. It's when they actually try to say stuff in Italian, like names. Ezio Auditore da Firenze is the worst of all :|