hey, I just started playing this (on the 14-day trial), and so far it has been full of buttons and somewhat boring. I plan on investing a lot more time in Eve though to really see if it's any good.
SO, I am making a Caldari character, and I want to get an Osprey to do a bit of mining and shooting. Any tips on where to go to mine? And how to make cash fast and easy? And what's generally the most fun to do in EVE (I'm saving piracy for later when I get some über ship and know what I am supposed to do)?
Also if someone wants to trade some freelancer credits for EVE-money, I am game:-)
While a friend of mine and I started up a new Corp and invested almost 15bill on Blue Prints Originals, we are in dire need of new players and/or players that like mining to make ISK. We are still building the Corporation and ISK is tight up, but we are willing to give you help if needed.
Or I can just add you on a channel where Disco players unite:)
Name of your Character?
Caldari is a great race if you are willing to do a lot of Missions. Is a lot I could talk about Caldari and Amarr since those are my characters race:)
Osprey is a good choice for mining purposes, while the Moa I prefer it for PVE purposes.
Well sounds perfect to me. I am not looking for cash-handouts though, rather just someone pointing me in the right direction so I can make my own:-) It would be absolutely perfect for me (and the friend I play with) to mine and to participate in things on a larger scale - mind you none of us have even completed the tutorial, so we are utter noobs:-)
My character's name is "Zangief Doom" (retarded name, I know, but he kinda looks like the guy from Street Fighter 2 and I just couldn't help myself).
I played EvE for quite a bit last year and was involved, as part o the leadership, within the incursions community (750+ players). I tell you guys right now that no inocent rock was ever shot by me and I managed to make enough money not only to pay my sub with pilot license extension if i wanted so, but also to make a second alt acccount which had a freighter obelisk, all gallent transports including and up to Iteron Mark V, the stealth blockade runner Viator and the Deep Space transport Occator. A third character had an Orca which I used to change fittings on the fly in space.
I also never engaged myselfe in missions.
So how did I stashed so much isk? To the point of having an hangar with over 145 ships from factions frigates to battleships, tech 3 cruisers and so?
By running incursions and exploration in a stealth tech 3 cruiser running complexes. Get the training to fly at least one battle cruiser properly and then get yourselfes into the BTL channel. Persist until you get an invite to fleet , follow the orders , be nice and you will be setted.
Hm. I can't help you much, but I'd suggest finding your niche pretty quickly. Finding out if you want to make your billions in PVP, mining, trading, contracting, missioning, salvage or some mixture of them all.