' Wrote:New char starflier, same 10% of the core. Problem is definitely in the ID. Seems like every ship with freelancer ID is screwed up, I've logged all my freelancer ships and saw 9-10% core messages.
I have the same problem it was fine yesturday logged in today and boom no power
it is a major pain. only options are disconnect the weapons or no cruise engines for you
There was a typo in the techconfig for the Generic IDs that was preventing the proper nerf being applied to Sirius Civ ships, hence the kick down to 10%. Fixed it earlier, should be fine now.
Carr, house civ is 90% across the board right now, that's not an error, that's how this version of the technerf was intended.
I have this problem 'Warning, incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 10% to compensate' too. It happened when I purchased a Nephthys from Battleship Thebes in Omicron Mu with my character "Bolyarov" (Freelancer ID) on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server.
How can this be "fixed"? Should I try to get a Order ID for it to work properly, or ... ?
(02-09-2015, 11:09 PM)DaFDu Wrote: @Mimir: Thanks for the reply, I will give it a go.
I case I won't succeed with that, are there other Very Heavy Fighters that do work properly with a Freelancer ID?
Look there: http://discoverygc.com/wiki/techcompat_table.php
In short: if you are using Order ship/equipment, you are to be having Order ID as well, otherwise it will get nerfed. Same goes with any other non-generic faction-produced tech. Some of them also share their technology with the closest ones, in such case you get a slight nerf.