Encryption: High, Business grade
Sender: Sean Stone, executive director of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
Sent from: planet New Berlin, New Berlin system, Rheinland
To: GMG Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Subject: Our base on planet Miura and Shuri base leasing fee
Greetings honourable guild master Katsuo! After some time, I´m sending you message again and I´m glad it is full of good news. First, at the end of May, we celebrated - I guess same as you - end of helium embargo on Kusari-Liberty border which harmed our economy significantly as transporting helium-3 from Okinawa to Liberty was important part of company business. We just hope that nothing like this will happen again.
Anyway, the second good news is that after more than a year of building, our base on surface of planet Miura is almost completed and first tens of employees started to move in these days because housing facilities are already finished as well as small spaceport. Base looks beautiful as we wanted, I hope you will agree - there is a photo taken from sky above showing base sitting in snow cover of planet with anti-snowdrift barrier around...
One of the last things we have to decide is the name. First choice was of course Stone Base, but as we were thinking about it, that is probably not the best one, it doesn´t sound good to me. But I was thinking that considering fact it is in Kusari-speaking space, we could use ishi instead, because if I understood it well, ishi means stone. And Ishi Base sounds much better to me. But I wanted to ask also you. What you think about it?
Anyway, once the base construction will be completely done, we will probably make some celebration there and of course you will be invited. Apart from our soon-maybe Ishi Base, our cooperation successfully crossed second year and that is reason for celebration even itself. Be sure we will notify you in enough advance about this event.
Oh, one last thing, we owe you the payment confirmations of Shuri lease fee for last few months. I´m sure you received the money, otherwise you would contact us earlier yourself I guess, but you know - order makes friends, as people say in Liberty. Of course order, not The Order.
Ending with this little joke, I wish you to have a nice day!
#1 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for March
#2 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for April
#3 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for May
#4 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for June
#5 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for July
Encryption: High, Business grade
Sender: Sean Stone, executive director of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
Sent from: planet New Berlin, New Berlin system, Rheinland
To: GMG Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Subject: Probably last Shuri base leasing fee confirmations
Hello, honourable guild master Katsuo! I hope you´re doing well as well as whole Gas Miners Guild. I´m sending you this message because there are some incoming changes.
But let me first mention one thing. Communication channel in which I´m sending this message is established for almost 28 months. Yes, that´s how long our cooperation - and I call it very successful one - is going on. But everything, sometimes even great things, comes to and end one day. And this time is near for this channel. Don´t get me wrong - we really don´t want to end cooperation with you and Gas Miners Guild as whole. Exactly opposite in fact. But it would be better to explain everything in detail in new channel which will be dedicated to discussion about all these changes and possible new era of our cooperation
For this reason, I will leave this message to have single purpose. To keep things in order, I´m sending confirmations of payments of our leasing fee for recent three months. Probably the last ones... You will find them in data attachment. But as I said, there will be another message from me in your message box soon.
Have a nice day!
#1 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for August
#2 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for September
#3 Confirmation of payment of Shuri leasing fee for October