Greetings, The Kingdom of Bretonia Government.
Nock Nock ..................................
Please give me an answer. We are eagerly waiting for your reply.
After much deliberation, we have decided to approve your application for a license to build your Modular Installation. Your application will be finalised on receipt of the payment in full of £25,000,000, less the £500,000 deposit you have already paid.
You have an outstanding balance of £24,500,000 to be paid to Her Majesty's treasury.
In addition, with the ongoing blockade of the Dublin system, we see it prudent to explicitly state that the storage of Gold on your installation is not permitted. Should a random inspection from any of Her Majesty's law keeping forces (that including, but not limited to, the BAF, BPA and BIS) find evidence of gold being stored on your installation, your license will be voided. This was a concern raised within the committee, and it was agreed that this was the appropriate solution during the ongoing Dublin crisis.
Greetings, The Kingdom of Bretonia Government.
First of all, we would like to sincerely thanks you for approving our license application for modular installation.
We will be aware of gold related constraints.
We have sent you the rest of the installation charges. Please take a look.