' Wrote:hmmm this reminds me of another character on the server.......but i can't for the life of me remember who it is ;)
At first I thought of Mon'Star though, but he hasn't this manic addiction to flesh. Mon'star is a lunatic, for sure, but.... hmm... this Hanibal Lecter theme keeps me going on other paths...:yu:
' Wrote:having a big ship and being a cannibal would be hard to pull off. who would crew with you? unless they were unaware of it....this would make having a faction specific ID workable, and much more interesting.
A mix between fire power and storage would be cool. I thought also about the crew and this made me think of a scene in the movie 'Judge Dredd', when Dredd and his partner met those outcasts outside of the mega city.
But I guess you're right. Some mysterious Lecter-like character would be much more murky then the murderous crew of cannibals. I will make some concepts...
' Wrote:The problem with playing this as a lawful character (in game) is getting your teeth into player characters. If you attack one and you're lawfully tagged and IDd you're going to find sanctions coming your way, however good your RP may be. :(
You don't necessarily have to attack other players in order to get their flash (you wouldn't be able to even with unlawfuls, since you'd be powerplaying somebody else's character). I think this role would be better portrayed from a PvE standpoint. You can chose whatever role and adapt that role to this mentality. In a lawful, you could be that guy that "solves the problems". You take the unlawful pilots (NPCs) away and return without them. Your crooked cop friends will think you "took them for a walk", while in fact you ate them (or in fact stored them for later). There is no way you will "eat" another PC without the other player's consent anyway.
You can still go about PvP against other players and maybe even portray your attempt to do something nasty with them (to add to the horror), but you'd never be able to come to effect with that anyway against another player, regardless of the role.
' Wrote:At first I thought of Mon'Star though, but he hasn't this manic addiction to flesh. Mon'star is a lunatic, for sure, but.... hmm... this Hanibal Lecter theme keeps me going on other paths...
Mon'Star does have an addiction to flesh....i've never roleplayed him eatting people but he sure enjoys cutting/ripping them into small pieces.
if you made someone similar to another character, any character, it would water down both your new character and the character your basing it on.
that's why it's always best to create something new.
i do like the concept of a Hannibal Lector type. i got sucked into the show Dexter that comes on showtime. VERY good show about a forensics guy who plays police lab jockey by day and kills criminals by night. it is graphic though, but i loves it!
i could see a lawful playing something similar, but i agree it'd have to be NPC's. as Mon'Star i usually don't post real character names of people i kill in stories as it would effect theirs.
You know, between the things I say in-game ("No, I'm not God, but I'm a close second..." *glares at person's sig*) and my cannibalistic bloodlust on Lyca, I'm starting to be irritated with some people.
Seems that if you were going to RP a guy that has an irresistable drive to kill & eat, then, it should be pretty easy to RP...provided it was kept as a secret:secret:
If it's fame you're going for, then, it would just be another criminal fighting the lawfuls.
Still, I wish I would'a thought of it first:crazy:
Hehe, reminds me of Event Horizon, where experiments with black holes drove a doctor insane, because he got into another dimension.
But we aren't playing Discovery for re-playing films. There will be another story for the cannibals.