Lukas joined Gypsie and Ivan at the table,"Kallisti broth'rs, s'rry f'r being late. mine journey hath taken me into far n'rth than i expect'd. surprisingly i found what i was looking f'r at the roanne facilities. i yea enlighten'd a fellow thither and anon he follows 'ris too. he yea gave me a ship which wouldst be a nice addition to our causeth. so from anon on i will devote mine existence to our goddess 'ris and thither is only one thing i can sayeth mine cater-cousins; ev'ry single minute fact about thou 'r what thou careth about will be gone and f'rgotten within one century of thy death. so liveth it up anon!"and with that, he took his seat, adjusted the eye within his eye patch and listened.
Gypsie nodded smiling as Ivan showed him his support, and helped lookas to his seat as he arrived. I´m glad you too made it, Lukas. Ivan was just telling me he will be contacting the Gaians. I will take care of dropping a letter to the Kusari Ladies in the GC and also to let know the Lane Hackers that the ELF is back on the tracks.
As you well said Ivan, we cannot launch a revolution from this bar. He laughed as he repeated Ivan´s words. The nature of our new mission actually demands us to be constantly on the move, so what I suggest is that we get ourselves some scrapped Liners, transports and freighters, as well as some snubcraft for security. Those ships will all wave the Jolly Roger and we will make a nice caravan, living on the move and not staying at one place for too long. What do you guys think? As he was finishing saying that, the bartender came with another round of drinks. Eris has also told me she wants us to do something about Slavery, and I can only agree with her. That´s why we´re gonna make the Pilgrim Liner our Caravan vessel of choice. The poor things have got an ill reputation, and some of them are even haunted by the souls of those who suffered slavery and sometimes even death, in the dark and deep cargo holds. We will cleanse those spirits, let them rejoice in Eris when they are free, and build up a new reputation for these Liners too. Everyone in favor?
Ivan took one last shot of whiskey, then stood up from the table saying "Hail Eris! Yes, we must free the slaves of Sirius, both of the chains of iron and the chains of Grayface!
I'm heading to Inverness to see if I can get in touch with any Gaians around The Junkyard, gather the caravan and meet me there. He threw a credit chip on the table and ran out of the bar towards the Libertalia screaming. Grand (and gory) Old Discordja!
Her Apple Corps is strong!
Gyp looked up in rejoice, grateful of being surrounded by such lively bunch. Aye, to Inverness it is then! Wrap it up Popes, I still have credit in this joint. He stood up and walked to the exit, waving JT and his men goodbye. At his right Pope Ivan, at his left Pope Lukas, behind them a handful of good Discordians who were as ready as them to stirr things up around Sirius for the sake of, as Ivan would call it: Choa.
Loki Valmir tried to not let his anxiety show as he stepped into The Drunken Junker, the popular junker bar on La Fortaleza. He had been there a few times since he started a contract with GMG to haul some of the Junker’s scrap to Fujisawa Mining Facility on his OSI Borderworlds Transport. However, this time he came for business rather than R&R and it was business that he would rather keep on the down low.
He blended in quite well with the rest of the patrons and no one would be able to tell he was an employee of OSI from his attire, a pair of worn out jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a slightly faded brown leather jacket he was quite fond of. He casually walked up to the bar before getting the bartenders attention.
“Hey I’ll get a glass of whiskey on the rocks and I would like to get ahold of one of the big players in the Congress, I have a business proposal I would like to discuss.”
The bartender eye him up and down curiously and Loki figured he was decided whether to kick him out or pass on the message. Finally the bartender picked up a phone behind the bar and mumbled a few words that Loki couldn’t make out over the noised the filled the crowded room before pouring Loki’s drink. Loki took a sip of the whiskey and waited.
Bill steps into the bar. Having received a com from the bartender explaining the stranger asking for a Junker Congress leader, Bill made his way to La Fortaleza. Finally seeing the man in person, Bill almost decided to leave the bar. There's really no need to talk to someone that appears to have no credits or affiliation. But, his gut tells him to give this man a shot, and Bill always trusts his gut. He approaches the bar with a slight limp, sits down, and signals for the bartender to get lost. Giving Loki an appraising stare, he opens his mouth.
"You got my attention. Best make it quick, I ain't keen on sittin here all day."
By the time the Congressman had arrived Loki had regained some of his nerve. He recognized the Congressman from past visits to the Drunken Junker but he had never had the chance to actually talk to him or even learn the man’s name.
He quickly finished off the last bit of the whiskey he had ordered before extended his hand to his new acquaintance with a friendly smile on his face. “Howdy, my name is Loki Valmir I am a transport captain for Omicron Supply Industries but today I wish to have a quick talk with you as a private citizen. I’d like to propose a deal with you that I would prefer to keep under the table if you would be interested.”
Loki’s voice had a happy-go-lucky tone to it with a slight trace of the accent he had developed way back when he had grown up on Planet Houston. Over the years Loki had learned to use his natural carefree attitude as a way to make others underestimate him which could sometimes give him an advantage when making deals.
Bill listened intently to Loki's introduction. An OSI captain, stepping outside his organization. This just may be lucrative, or it could be a trap. Congress has caught a lot of flak lately. Seems that even old friends are turning on the old organization.
"We're known fer our discretion, but we ain't keen on just jumpin in on a deal what ain't been made clear. What've you got in mind?"
Dexter Flynt felt perfectly at home in the Drunken Junker the moment he entered. Junkers knew how to make a place homely, he thought to himself, walking to the bar while taking the atmosphere in.
As Rogue it is genuenly good to visit the Junker bars every now and then, less violence, less barbaric people.
But today he wasnt here for the nice athmosphere. A double Whisky for me. He reminds himself why he came here, thinking about wich way he can approach it best. After another Whisky he was certain (or tipsy) enought what to do.
He turns to the barkeeper I need to talk to someone about someone I dont know much about. Is there any person nearby that can help me with that? I need someone well informed, on the usual ways I didnt find anything.