Lawful means they abide by the law
Semi-lawful doesn't care one side, abides pirate and lawful factions but without shooting one side or the other.
Unlawful means the don't abide the law.
I would take the red hessians for example. Yes, they see themselves as being liberators fighting a corrupt and terrible government and all. Also, they tend not to go after civilians in the RHA, just corps that we hate and the military. So they have a mind to do good. I cannot vouch for indies.
So, to themselves and thier supporters (Liberty was one for a while till we showed we would not take their side in a fight, for rheinland and all of that) they are legitimate. They fight crime and drugs (sairs, casts) and care for people but are still an unlawful faction simply by being actively hunted by house forces. Till we win that is....
myeah , I think almost every faction sees himself as lawful.
Take sairs for example, they have their own court , legal system , laws , etc.
I don´t believe in the terms lawful and unlawful .