You know what?
Before the current system, there were no new factions, for months.
Factions were simply turned off. Then some people, people who could talk to the mods, and were willing to not yell at them, decided to try and change that. Those people talked me down from making a thread almost identical to this one, and something happened. Disco got better. Now, the admins looking through factions took a break, because the poor sods were struggling to keep up with sanctions, and you just lost quite a few people who would have been your ally on the original topic. Myself included.
*no longer cares*
' Wrote:You know what?
Before the current system, there were no new factions, for months.
Factions were simply turned off. Then some people, people who could talk to the mods, and were willing to not yell at them, decided to try and change that. Those people talked me down from making a thread almost identical to this one, and something happened. Disco got better. Now, the admins looking through factions took a break, because the poor sods were struggling to keep up with sanctions, and you just lost quite a few people who would have been your ally on the original topic. Myself included.
*no longer cares*
This thread has gone so off-topic...
In case some of you don't realise, I ain't complaining about the official faction requests taking so long, I'm complaining that unofficial factions, that aren't seeking official status, are being silenced, and not given the right to discuss their RP as a group...
Last dozen posts have been about the faction request delays... >.>
About the official faction requests taking long? Ah well, life's a b****, I sure as hell ain't giving up though.
Well said Mule. I think it's important to let the unnofficial factions have a voice. Especially when they are asking if it's feasible for them to even make a go of being a faction at all.
As for the hiatus in faction approvals, consider your own lives, and then consider what might be amking the Admins, who take their responsiblities very seriously indeed, be so quiet recently. Everything that is essential to Disco is working fine. The server is quite stable, Rule breakers are getting punished. Everyhting else is a secondary concern imo. That includes Faction approvals.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
This thread has gone so off-topic...
In case some of you don't realise, I ain't complaining about the official faction requests taking so long, I'm complaining that unofficial factions, that aren't seeking official status, are being silenced, and not given the right to discuss their RP as a group...
Oh, I agree wholehartedly with that point. Just not with the other point. Not long ago, I worked to create the current faction system, with the hope of fixing a situation much like this one, though possibly a bit worse. The 500 million credit thing came later, and may not be helpful, but insofar as I suspect many people just create 'unofficial' type groups to get around the guidlines, It misses the point entirely...and I do believe locking them makes that worse.
The 500 million doesn't make it worse--in my opinion. It does take a commitment and real group of faction seekers could make that a bonding point--working together to raise the fee.
The real problem is if you propose a faction that doesn't have the imprematur of the "powers that be" or the ear of someone to whom the admins are more connected, then you might as well save your breath.
The locking of unofficial threads goes right along with this.
It simply makes the statement, "If your proposal isn't something those of us already established are interested in, we don't want to hear it and don't really care to see you play it or talk to others about it."
That is the problem.
<span style="font-family:System">Hogosha Exile</span> The Journal of Benjo Dokosai
I agree with Hyung Soong. Lots of the posts here sound like something from a conspiracy theorist network...
Honestly, the proposals will be accepted or rejected eventually. The thing is, a few of the factions being proposed have given up and turned to this ridiculous notion of an "inner circle" ruling everything.
If your proposed faction isn't active in game, it won't be accepted.
About unofficial factions, they should be placed in the flood forum. Faction Feedback, Recruitment etc seems to be for official factions only.
The way I see it, official factions have the bonus of publicised recruitment (on the forums), the ability to own systems and mod them, access to a Message Dump and more.
Unofficial factions don't seem to have the right to recruit on the forums (justly so, they haven't gone through the effort to become official). Most of them don't seem interested in owning systems, so that part doesn't really count. Message dumps can be made in the roleplaying hub, so that advantage isn't really too important.
I didn'y say, "inner circle" or even "admins" (as the direct object).
I meant if those players who are in the big factions, have written half the forums, have been on here a long time and whom the admins know and interact with somewhat regularly...if one or two of them is disagreeable to your proposal and makes a real effort to be vocal about it probably not going to see your faction happen.
"Active" is relative. Again, active comes down to, "do the movers and shakers see you?". If you aren't in their area, don't have rp with them and they already aren't liking your idea--probably isn't going to happen--even if you are interacting with other less influential people.
My point isn't to rant and rag on this and i don't think there is a conspiratorial inner council. I just think it is part of the air--something that subtly wafted in.
Lately, seems that things with admins have improved and I am sure life and being busy with the update is part of the slow/non approval of new factions reason.
the lack of clear policies and feedbacks by admins on who makes decisions, how much impact exising clans and factions have on current proposals don't help.
Also admin posts in the past talking about "banning" unofficial factions didn't help those outside feel like they were in.
Let's wait for 4.85 and see what happens.
I see power players lobbying as more the problem than a "conspiracy of admins".
<span style="font-family:System">Hogosha Exile</span> The Journal of Benjo Dokosai