Looks like a good show, and its definitely good to here that Unselie got stood up for something more important. RL > FL, yes?
That being said, I'd like to once again prod you folk to join the QCRF- while fighting alongside someone and talking to them will help you immerse yourself, nothing helps more than fighting as them. I would also recommend integrating yourselves into skype discussions, although as you can see from the "I can has skype" thread we are for the most part quite possibly insane. Eh.:crazy:
A lot of people will be more than willing to help if you only ask, so feel free to do so either in the forums, via PM, or ingame. We recently had a very large clan, Asylum 51 (from Guild Wars) come through and it turned out... badly. No one wants that to happen again, we lost some very good people to that.
Once more a hearty welcome to Discovery, and I hope your stay here is as good as it can be!
@n00bl3t QCID/QCSS/the faction that doesn't exist, still exists. Its a few members, but since its so underground, it doesn't even have a uniform name. It is the apparatus, and it is very...secret. Its doing things, though.
I'm going to give an overview of current Bretonian politics, and maybe a bit of background, just to give you guys a bit of the understanding you'll need.
Queen Carina, who I occasionaly invoke(and I have the support of the community to be the only person who may do so), is currently the queen, (duh?) and has taken an interest in strengthening the monarchy's powerbase. Firstly, She granted a letter of marque to the QCP (queen carina's privateers) to terrorize Kusari trade, and later created, or allowed to be created, in a legislative vacuume, the QCO (queen carina's own) which was comprised mainly of Richard Edward Windsor's noble peerage, whom he collected and were self financed ex BAF. The Admiratly Board, comprised of the 11 Bretonian Admirals (one for each of the Stationary Battleships (excluding the Harlow, that's the Monarchy's) and one for each populated planet), were of course reasonably incensed at what was essentialy a rogue military running around, and so brought the QCO/P back under the admiralty's control, (and admiral Windsor became a commodore). The Queen exercized her dual vote powers as Monarch to bring them under her control, through the admiralty, and to assign them to Salisbury(The BAF guard system, which we (the QCRF) own, and intend to have modded.) And added the QCR, (Queen Carina's Regulars) to form the commodore Triumvirate(The Queen as Admiral is rather absent). Most recently, the Queen Entered into talks with the Mollies, and granted Dublin and Londonderry limited independance as a protectorate of bretonia. Oh, and there's the war with the Kusari noodlemunching barbarians, too...
So, where this leaves us, right now, is that the Mollies are not hostile, at all, unless they attack you first, and then they get called DRA(or something, the name doesn't quite fit, but mollies have gone all inactive, so no one wants to take that mantle) insurgents. We hope to get the repsheets for molly/Bretonian NPCs fixed next update. Also, because A: cardamine isn't a real large problem in bretonia, and B: the outcasts don't like the Kusari, who're on non kos terms with the Corsairs, the Outcasts are more or less a neutral party in Bretonia, with some covert agreements, aid and such in the background. Bretonia/Rheinland relations are quickly deteriorating, because of the Tau war, (rhienland propaganda states that Bretonia is the aggressor), and they aren't to be trusted.
As for having two factions, its just messy, but can work out fine...when the SF was around, the QCO/P got along with them quite well...but the QCO/P(RF) were formed because the SF was broken and then dieing...so my first question is "What's wrong with the QCRF?" now, thats a very Disco veiwpoint, and doesn't at all acount for the fact that you guys want to play together, as your own group, but that's where I'm coming from...I'm sure it could work, but I'm not sure I want to try it...cause it'll be messy.
Places for you to go, and fit, Well....Since you're ancient enemy is the OPG, you could always get to play the admiral running the Norfolk, and his fleet, etc, or, though its a deviation from you're strictly BAF norm, you could always take up the role of the Molly Interim Government...
I, of course, would prefer it if you filtered out and joined many teams, and became assmiliated into discovery as Discoers...but with that idea probably not fitting what you see yourselves doing here, I understand you not(though I'm not particularly exited about it).
Ask any questions you want, and we'll try to answer them and get you a place to sit.
My own question is this: What are your position(s) on multiclanning?
EDIT: forgot to mention, I'm ingame as Underbridge a whole lot, gimme a shout if you want something...not on the QCRF much, because I'm trying to fund it, and a replacement for the Pendragon...
Quote:Places for you to go, and fit, Well....Since you're ancient enemy is the OPG, you could always get to play the admiral running the Norfolk, and his fleet
That's good idea.
The QCRF could be the Queen's boys, and the BPS, the Admiralty's, and friendly rivalry could take place.
"How are the Queen's flower-bearers today?"
"Fine. How are the Admiralty's dogs?"
If [BPS] is not that interested in fighting KNF yet, they could be an anti-Corsair Cambridge-based strike force, and could keep the [OPG] etc at bay.
' Wrote:@n00bl3t QCID/QCSS/the faction that doesn't exist, still exists. Its a few members, but since its so underground, it doesn't even have a uniform name. It is the apparatus, and it is very...secret. Its doing things, though.