OK... I'm trying to arm a Liberty Cruiser, at the moment. But I am finding it REALLY difficult to use anything but the old house turrets...
Now, I want everything here to be FACT, then your opinion on these FACTS. And there might be some things here that are blatantly obvious, but I want even the newest players to be able to understand.
Energy: 1,200,000
Mounts: 1/7 (One gun, seven turrets)
Energy: 1,400,000
Mounts: 0/15 (No guns, fifteen turrets)
Hull Damage: 48,000
Shield Damage: 24,000
Energy: 1,000,000 (ONE MILLION!?! The forward gun uses less than 1/10 that!)
Refire: .25 (One shot every four seconds)
Now... For my opinions:
I have found that Nomad BATTLESHIP turrets are more efficient that Cerberus Cruiser turrets. I also find it ridiculous that Cruiser turrets use almost as much energy as the forward gun, yet do less then ONE NINETH the damage. Not to mention ONE SHOT of a Mortar drops the energy of a Liberty Cruiser almost to ZERO. It does uses FIFTEEN TIMES as much much energy yet only does double the damage. And why do Liberty Turrets take nearly the same amount of energy to fire as the Cruiser gun, YET does less than one nineth damage. Liberty isn't THAT stupid. They could easily just put EIGHT forward guns on it with a little modification.
The ONLY weapons that are bearable for energy drainage are the Solaris Chain Gun turrets! And they still do almost useless amounts of damage!
In short, ENERGY DRAINAGE FOR CRUISERS I WAAAY TOO HIGH. Even house weapons to an extent.
Igiss, if you could tell us the exact amount of energy the Huegenot has, it might be helpful, as it is a cruiser.
First of all, those numbers are already outdated and for 4.79.4 turret power AND energy usage will become different. If you'll be so kind to make a new number compilation, it could be of great help.
As for Cerberus... yes, they were meant to have higher refire rate. I'll fix that.
And - you cannot put many forward guns on anything. Guns and turrets have different slots. That's actually why I can make forward guns powerful - if I make similar turret weapons, everyone will get them as the best and most efficient weapons. Or they'll be battleship-specific, like Mortar is now.
As for Mortar, a small clarification - no mortars were meant for gunboats. Light is for cruisers, two heavier ones are for battleships.
Virus u might check the beta discussion topic i have posted something similar there considering all cap ships. And for better energy ues u can still use fighter turrets. They stil prove to be more worthy , especially in a longer fight where the ship energy is put to the limit (and with cap ship turrets is lowered to 0 in couple of salvos) . Aha... well lets hope Igiss has done the increadible to make things work out. :) Im an OPTIMIST.
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)
Ok... So I don't have the numbers for the next beta yet...
Let me see what seems not to have been fixed yet:
-Are Cerberus supposed to drain the energy of a cruiser in less than 5 seconds? If so, I'm never going to use 'em.
-Light Mortars... Supposed to drain most of a ship's energy every 4 seconds?
-Razor/Inferno, same thing?
And... That's all I can think of...
And yes, Igiss, if you want. I can make another list of numbers for you. If you want one ahead of time, I'll need a copy of where it is now, then you can just update it. ;)