There is more than one way to RP a Hogosha. The Hogosha, as a whole, are made up of different smaller groups. Just because the official BDS faction does things a certain way doesn't mean an indie Hogosha has to follow.
BDS is RPed as a lawful corporation in Kusari. They are legally registered and do not engage in acts of piracy within Kusari. In fact, even outside Kusari, piracy is frowned upon by BDS leadership. BDS is essentially trying to stay 100% on the right side of the law, something which the ID was not actually meant for.
"Can demand contraband and levy fines, destroying ships that refuse to comply and as as specified within house space as specified by house law." This has been interpreted as Kusari house space, but technically could mean ANY house space. If you can find an inRP reason to, say, hang around Bretonia and enforce their laws, well, you're either really good or insane.
BDS helps KSP and KNF against unlawfuls in Kusari systems except for their friends the Farmers Alliance, which, inRP, the Kusari lawfuls also turn a blind eye to. The Hogosha's main allies are FA and Samura.
Hogosha and FA share tech. Unfortunately, ships like the Mamoru and the Raba are only available on an FA Guard base. Recommend doing a Kusari restart, then doing Hogosha missions AGAINST UNLAWFULS in New Tokyo system, then heading to Kyushu to take a couple of FA missions. Remember to check the mission objectives. Some missions ask you to shoot down KSP. Taking missions against Blood Dragons or Golden Chrysanthemums will result in Hogosha IFF with clean lawful rep.
They're closer to the Junkers now than they were before. Lots of political intrigue, less about the overt skirting of the law in house space than before. Lots of roleplay opportunity and flexibility.
This is different from 85 where Kusari was inundated with cargo piracy immune to law enforcement, and swarms of players just wanted an excuse to go pvp with a Black Dragons fitted with Corsair shieldbusters and Kusari neutron guns. There were excellent Hogosha players back then too, but a lot of players out for combat in an overpowered setup flocked to the faction.
Q:What's it like being a Hogosha?
A: Nothing- useless faction with useless ID in 4.86
Better IDs for all possible RP paths that Hogosha can go are present in game.
I loved old Hog ID- rep ninjad red with everything non-kusari and pirating and bribing the KPS/KNF.. now it is just useless...
No more fun stuns like transit depostis(take 10m fine if you enter Kusar with Military Vehicles and give 10m back if you sell them back in Kusari BS in leeds not to the Bretons that pay more), No more gaijin huntng, no more adrenaline each time when you encounter KPS/KNF and you does not know if he is cheap to bribe or not or he is the alt of the trader that you just shoot down.. no more fun in general.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Govedo, you've actually described the Farmers Alliance ID. The "sit outside the ore sell points and pirate them" tactic wasn't being kept in and the Hogosha and FA moved in opposite directions: a bit more lawful for the former, full unlawful for the latter.
Currently the Hogosha ID is a reduced-tech KSP/KNF one, with the possibility of piracy outside of Kusari house space. If your RP is not to pirate though, it is pretty much Samura without the larger transports and the possibility to uphold Kusari law.