I wouldn't mind seeing snubs slowed down a bit. Not a ton. It should be easier to hit, not trivial. You don't want to slow it down such that it becomes 'whoever has the heavier ship wins', but I hate pvp where my target is so agile I can't land hits on it no matter what I do, and/or can engage me from further away than I can engage him.
I think this would help Cap v. Bomber balance too. I think the bomber should have to take a risk and expose itself to being shot in order to get close enough to fire off that torpedo.
I just don't understand why people keep thinking that if agility was tuned down fights would be made more noob-friendly.
I would still out-turn the hell out of new players, and when most of them are just EK-rolling to make a turn, I would have more time to shoot them when they are sitting ducks that can't dodge.
Heck, even in group fights agility doesn't matter that much because you most of the time count on strafing force.
Besides that Discovery's pvp is already very noob and user friendly compared to the original FL, and this being a proper skillshooter, it is absolutely necessary to gain not only raw expirience, but also develop several skillsets to be able to properly follow the pace of the game.
Get good, ffs.
Some people can't get it in their head that being good requires practise. An hour every two or three days isn't practise.
Actually, even a hour or two will give some results if one develops those "several skillsets" rather than blindly shoots at the red [x].
To make average players feel stronger in group fights and sheldrunning harder... I suggest a serious pulses buff. Take a look at vanilla pulses - 1200 damage for Tizona and 800 for Deb.
P.S.: if you suggest turning rates, please provide them in Rad/s.
Degrees make my eyes bleed.
P.P.S.: I think, everyone agrees that fixing Libby, Wyrm and Hayabusa is necessary. This is because they AREN'T like the rest of the ships.
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Yes, they do.
We're not talking about Scimitars here, Hidamari. We're talking about Tantos, Liberators, Wyrms and Hayabusas.
In other words, ships that are small enough to render themselves entirely invincible by simple moving their mouse very quickly.
And no, "good aim" is not the solution here. I've dodged half a dozen people in a Liberator before, including some of the best PvPers still active on the server.
Also, for fun, compare the amount of bots and bats a Liberator has to the hull hitpoints it has. Now compare this ratio (which, I can tell you, is absurdly high) to say, the ratio of hull to bots and bats on a VHF.
Although I do actually agree that the new LF guns are.. Weird. I'd say HFs in general could do with some love and get them instead. .86 light fighters were fun to fly. Putting the strongest fighter guns in the game on the smallest ships seems odd to me.
as we discussed on TS i think this issue with those ships are the new LF guns as ive stated. so yes they either need a drop in b/b counts, OR preferably they can be put back to how they were before. because i will agree having everything they have now is pretty silly.
they should have to split between going anywhere or killing anything.
as scout and recon ships first and foremost they should be more versed at getting into and out of locations under most circumstances, at present they are not balanced for their purpose.
g-forces in space? WHAT g-force in space - there is no gravity!
pvp skill? i've been playing fl for 10 years (longer if you count elite). I have no pvp skill. i die in snubs, caps, frieghters, transports, bombers, lf, everything. I mostly fly snubs now cos they are cheaper to fix when busted up, and cheaper to buy.
Think about it this way, if the fights are slower, the people who are good now will just get MUCH better. Personally, I have pretty decent aim. If things were slower, I'd have to work hard to actually miss.
I like it just the way it is, it's fast and intense enough to still be fun.