tbh, I didn't read anything but first 3 posts of this thread.
My answers are as usual - the only way to do what the OP wants to achieve is to increase the maintenance/running costs of the ships (in form of death penalty or something else, for various ship classes) and balance their combat efficiency accordingly. Like, battleships could lose 30-60m worth of cash per death (depending on battleship "size", which will also allow to make heavy battleships more efficient than light ones, not the other way around), and bombers just 2-4-6 milions, but 2 bombers wouldn't be able to take on a battleship.
Numbers are used purely as an example and something I personally view as balanced.
Otherwise, if there's only initial investment used to evaluate ship's combat efficiency and no maintenance costs we'll end up with no point in flying cheaper ships, at all. Or we'll have sort-of-battleships fighting against uberbombers/gunboats, like it is now.
Above-mentioned approach will also have a positive effect on server's economy and on immersion effect when playing capships. Big, powerful and expensive.
P.S. If, during those 6 pages, anybody came up with shiploss on death - bad idea, will turn this mod into second EVE with all the drawbacks (like, RP will fly out of the window). Golden middle is better, imho.
(01-30-2014, 07:55 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Making Nova Torps, as well as Bots/Bats in general more expensive would probably help with "money-sinking" these things a bit more.
In my oppinion Nova Torpedoes are alway expensive.But your idea with the Batteries and Nanobot is realy good. Than the players maybe will learn that it is expensive to die.
If I know somethingh, than I know that Im not knowing all.
You would think, even in the future, in a universe where things like Ores and robotic hardware are being bought for big $$$, that something as sophisticated as a nano-sized Robot that can travel onto your ship's hull and repair it in space, as well as a reserve battery for an energy shield projection device would be a bit more expensive than a few hundred credits.
I think Gunboats guns just need to go down in range a little bit...so that they can't kill BSs so easy.
But I mean they WERE made to kill snubs...so what's wrong with them doing there job?
I like the idea of bots/bats costing more, maybe not 10K/ea but it still needs to go up seeing as it's still on the same price from the Vanilla, and money is much easier to come by now...
(01-30-2014, 09:05 PM)Vrabcek Wrote: There is a very easy solution of the cap problem, remove TZ and we all can happily live till the end of our days.
I fully support this. TZ should be removed or limited. It's ridiculous that anyone can have a good aim just by holding CTRL and rotating their mousewheel.
Bombers are fine now. There is nothing wrong with them. Your fighter got SNACed by a bomber? Next time don't joust a bomber.
Bombers are the only snubs that can fight gunboats effectively and even they have trouble fighting them with current "balance" of gunboats, so any kind of a nerf to bombers or their equipment is out of question.
Fix gunboats and remove/limit TZ before touching bombers (again)