Winterton who has been sitting quietly from her chair near McCool brings back up the treaty text on her tablet. Glancing up at the other gentlemen who were talking, she decides that now was perhaps the time to voice up, rather than letting the others run the entire conversation.
"From the standpoint of where I sit, the treaty looks quite robust when it comes to getting the purpose and intent across into the law-books. By no means is this treaty a final version, the reason specific parties such as the Phoenix and Bearing Shipping included along with the IRG is due to these organizations gathered here being rather trust-able in their words and actions.
Taking into account that there is always the very miniscule possibility that something goes wrong in the events around the locations included in the treaty, there is the trust to be held that the orginizations here can work something out to fix the issue, rather than letting it persist. The meaning appears to be clear, and the abilities and boundaries for each specific party has been lined out for all of us.
Unless there is a major issue in the wording that I may be missing, i'd like to, if possible, make clear that each and every one of us is willing to collaberate at at least details and workings entailing the treaty if it comes back up in the future. This is by no means something to exploit Liberty, but to give allowances to furthur Liberty in the future perhaps with allowances of all of our cooperation.
The treaty seems to be in order from the standpoint of Ingenuus, indeed going a little more simple and stating what issues are present seen in both Bering Shipping's eyes, and the Liberty Navy may see should begin to clear things up."
Sitting back from her position before, giving McCool a slight look before listening to what anyone else had to say.
Teerin listened carefully to Burton's words, then Winterton's. Things seem to be progressing along quite nicely. He quickly added his voice to what the man from Phoenix mentioned, "What you suggested for item two point four seems sufficient. If each station has its own set of regulations to cover possible discrepancies between this treaty and official Zoner Confederation Regulations, that may indeed prevent unnecessary hassle."
"From Liberty's standpoint, I believe this treaty is adequate, Administrator McCool." finished the Fleet Admiral. By now he almost craved the whiskey that he had been offered, but declined on. Rohj said nothing to this matter however, and waited for further comment from the other delegates.
Smiling at Rachel for her attempts in finalizing the meeting, Finn glanced in surprise as Admiral Teerin gave his approval of the treaty as it stands.
"Well then, it seems we have reached an agreement. If you all can sign on your datapads below.... and there we have it. As of right now, ta Treaty of Bethlehem is now signed and completed. Thank you all. May this treaty mark a new beginning for Zoners and ta Liberty government, and provide a clear and concise answer for those whom question our station's laws."
Nodding towards everyone, he looked down at his datapad, and begun drafting up the neural net announcement.