(06-19-2015, 12:52 PM)Doria Wrote: Basically this, which is the mistake of most new factions:
(06-19-2015, 07:13 AM)LunaticOnTheGrass Wrote: The premise needs to be far more humble and perhaps less ambitious, in my opinion. Form alliances and agreements first; interact with allies and enemies first, before deciding what your Sirius-affecting goals are.
dont get me wrong on this... but you didnt got the point...
this is a long time goal not a quick rush ...
Well my first point to make is that, although you seem to want to situate in Cayman, you plan to mainly extort military and police. I assume that's house military and police. Keep in mind that the Pirate ID was recently changed to prevent exactly that type of piracy. The ID only allows for attacking freighters, transports and liners within house space. I think you'll find that the majority of military and police players are rarely found in any of those ships, and especially in a compromising enough position to be pirated. Because all indy pirates seemed to want to fly is snubs, and same with their military/police counterparts, their demands were seen as an abuse and shallow excuse to provoke a PVP fight.
At the moment the Pirate ID does take on more of a genuine pirate role, rather than just any generic unlawful who wants to challenge every cop in a fighter. Pirates form from civilians. What do civilians fly? Yes many do fly their fighters and bombers, as Freelancers. But I've always seen that as a little excessive, the bombers part. I believe piracy on the server always should have been born more from freigther/transport/gunboat classed vessels. Civilians I think should have less access to bombers. This would also perk up faction ID's , since factions have their own ship lines they can use, or allied lines.
Otherwise you seem to have put a lot of thought into the structure of the faction and protocols for people to follow during interactions. Its good to have a decent structure laid out. However, as to your idea for the ID, I think you'll certainly have to put in some time on the normal Pirate ID as an unofficial faction before worrying about a unique ID. That means your focus on house military and police may not be the best direction as you won't likely get the action you seek. But there are ways, you might want to expand your aim to mostly corporations, in or near the borders of house space. I'm sure any active police or military players that become aware of such situations would take action.
Also...Cayman. Beautiful as it is, so is it desired by just about everyone. I'd worry less about claiming territory or getting your own system, and nail down a solid zone of influence or area to focus on, and learn to use bases without getting caught. Freelancer bases will always be safe, unless you kill a lot of NPC freelancers. But as to faction bases, you have to be more careful or you could wind up not being able to dock there anymore.
So, I like the idea of more pirate factions. Especially ones more so situated out of house space, since that always seems to be where everyone starts. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of targets out in the omegas and omicrons, just don't discriminate for going after house military/police unless its a real economically viable target, or its just demanding to pvp essentially.
Also, think about throwing in some other ship options. I'll make that point one more time that (no offense) that this is exactly why I don't think generics should even have access to bombers. Make use of transports. A couple transports can sink anything. Bomber piracy should be for factions. Civilians should have to use less powerful alternatives to turn to piracy, like transports, freighters, gunboats. Bombers make it easy for just anyone to grab one and go wreak havoc. I know its great fun, but its way too easy, especially in numbers. Just keep that in mind while on the gank hunt.