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Active characters:
Michael Sherman
Photo: Click!
Occupation: Pioneer, independent discoverer
Occupation History: independent trader
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Probably Libertonian.
Known family members: No information available
Age: Unknown. Approximately 34 years.
Ship: Rogues bomber “Chocolate”
Fraction relations: Friendly: Planetform, [Star], Freelancers, Mollys, Liberty Rogues, zoners
Note: Good reputation with Planetform connected with cooperation about stuff from Uncharted system. Unfriendly: LSF, Armed Forces, Bounty Hunters
Personal relations: Friendly: Andrew Williams
Neutral: Leela Tornbold, Wanderer Zeril Unfriendly: No individuals.
RP Links:
Stories: Personal Neuro-Net. Target ID: Michael Sherman
Communications: To: Planetform Inc. /\ From: Michael Sherman To: Star Enterprises =/\= From: Michael Sherman To: Wanderer Zeril =/\= From: Michael ShermanCurie Mosley
Photo: Click!
Occupation: CRO of Star Enterprises
Occupation History: Junior engineer of the rebel troops of the Kingdom of Bretonia, Leeds.
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Bretonian
Known family members:
Mother: Catherine Mosley
State: KIA
Age: 24 years old
Ship: [Star]Rusty.Dream - long-range research ship
RP Links:
Communications: To: Curie Mosley To: Rheinland Federal Polizei << From: Captain Curie Mosley From Rheinland's Federal Polizei - For sale: Snub Armor MK X To: Zoners, traders, patrons of The Seraphim | Subject: Repairs of MeridianRory Revkie
Photo: Click!
Occupation: The Leader of Blackwing Squadron
Occupation History: Engineer of Alster Shipyard, Engineer of Gateway
Bio-thread: Click! (WIP)
Ethnicity: Rheinlander
Known family members: No.
Age: 27 years old
Ship: Gateway|-GSV-Minerva
RP Links:
Stories: Click!
Communications: To: Alan Shepard // From: Rory Revkie To: Freelancers, OSI, zoners, people to hire Application FormFrieder Molnar
Photo: Click!
Occupation: Unknown
Occupation History: smuggler, the member of an expedition company "Genivieve", CEO and the only one member of "Red Star Company"
Bio-thread: Click! (WIP)
Ethnicity: Rheinlander
Known family members:
Father: Henry Molnar
Occupation: Soldier
Current state: KIA
Place of death: Unknown
Mother: Elizabeth Molnar
Occupation: Ship Engineer
Current state: Alive
Place of occupation: New Berlin
Sister: Amelie Molnar
Occupation: Unknown
Place of occupation: Unknown
Age: 31 years old
Ship: "Red Star" - freighter
RP Links:
Stories: Click
Communications: To: "Red Star"Isami Yukari
Photo: Click!
Occupation: Supervisor of transport devision of GMG
Occupation History: GMG Miner
Bio-thread: Boop
Ethnicity: Kusarian
Known family members:
Wife: Kara Yukari
Ship: Nope
RP Links:
Poor developed characters:
[Still in development. Probably they will transfer in "Active characters" section later]
Adrien Chevalier
Photo: Click!
Occupation: The Seraphim
Occupation History: Gallic Royal Army
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Gallic
Known family members:
Son of Jonathan Chevalier and Émilie Chevalier.
Age: 30 years old
Ship: //WIP
RP Links:
Communications: Application to The Seraphim
//I have some big plans on this character. So I will transfer it soon.Michelle Rancourt
Photo: No
Occupation: Gallic Royal Police
Occupation History: Gallic Royal Navy
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Gallic
Known family members: No
Age: 27 years old
Ship: //WIP
RP Links:
Communications: Application to GRPAlpha-2
Photo: Click!
Occupation: Captain of "Den of Minerva"
Occupation History: Engineer of Alster Shipyard
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Rheinlander
Known family members: No
Age: Unknown
Ship: The.Den.of.Minerva
RP Links:
Communications: To all Companies hauling Cargo Grey Market RegistrationMagnus Arvidsson
Photo: No
Occupation: CEO of "Synth Foods"
Occupation History: The worker of "Synth Foods"
Bio-thread: N/A (WIP)
Ethnicity: Rheinlander
Known family members: No
Age: 39 year's old
Ship: //WIP
RP Links:
Communications: to: Synth Food -|- from: IMG -|- Topic: Business Proposal Thread Modes To: All Synth Foods representatives | From: Kyu Akibara, OSI To: Synth Foods | From: Kusari State PoliceGerhard Walter
Photo: Click!
State: Alive
Occupation: Special operative
Occupation History: Junker, pirate, trader
Bio-thread: WIP
Ethnicity: Rheinlander
Known family members: None
Age: 37 years old
Ship: Rust.Defiance - civilian gunboat
RP Links:
Stories: Had a couple drinks, saw a couple things... [With the captain of Rust.Defiance]
Really like the stuff you do to keep smaller factions alive, there is a very certain one I know that will fall apart the moment you don't contribute anymore, keep it up!
Really like the stuff you do to keep smaller factions alive, there is a very certain one I know that will fall apart the moment you don't contribute anymore, keep it up!
Thanks for this words! Nice to hear, that you approve my work. ^^
Royal Navy Foreign Legion Wrote:Where is Tristans Bio?
Apart from that good work, rusty
I'm going to pay special attention to him. That's why I even created a separate account for him.
Thanks, BW! ^^