I'll add my 0.05$. I didn't played this game for 4-5 years. I was a bit surprised by the how activity dropped since then. There are some new interesting things added, like events, derelict stations, new equipment and so on. But IMHO here was done a few bad mistakes. Maybe some people have a special pleasure to write walls of text on they keyboards but I do find most interesting - BATTLES. Big battles with many ships from both sides. In past I've seen many such battles on a regular base in Rhineland-Liberty war. Now everyone fight against Gallia and no one on Galic side. Why? Maybe because Galic technology is crap... I was thinking to try... but I fail to find a good GRN cruiser. Or maybe there are other factors I don't know. I'm here just a week only. My opinion is that changes in lore was a big mistake.
You may say that I have to enjoy typing characters on my keyboard and be happy with that. But I won't. If it will be too boring I'll just leave silently.
I don't care who influence the game most, admins or faction leaders, but the one who have influence need to understand that encouraging leaders that can actually lead many players into some interesting action is a must for this game to survive. And this process have to be well balanced. The most activity I've seen was the military of Liberty and maybe Bretonia, but they are allies and won't fight each other. Rheinland is dead, was there for a few days before leaving it. I see activity in Delta, but this could be for the time of event only. I'll try to go there to find some interesting battles and maybe will even join a I faction if the process is not too full of bureaucracy.
For now I fail to see 2 big and equal communities engaged in an interesting fight, like I've seen a few years ago.