I am unsure as to your knowledge of who I am, so allow me to introduce myself. I am Kenneth Sudrey, the Tòiseach of Clan Sudrey - the Chief, if you like. I represent the interests of the Clansmen of Sudrey. Despite our small number, we maintain a strong set of trade routes that has kept us afloat even in the wake of the Gallic threat.
Our goal is to see the liberation of Edinburgh and Orkney, however we appreciate the first step to that may be through efforts made in Leeds.
Through our own activities we have come into contact with the Leeds Resistance Forces that you represent. Through much deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that we shall provide aid to your efforts.
We prepared to send three of our Clansmen to join your efforts, as well as supplying the resistance base of Leeds with armaments using our own transport ships.
We are also prepared to offer data that has been collected by our own Clansmen of the area.
[To]: Clan Sundrey
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Assistance/Clansmen
[Encryption]: Medium
Jonas Hudson here,
Thanks for contacting me Chief Sundrey. I'm pleased to hear from you, and relieved that more locals are willing to get directly involved in the fight. The Clan Sundrey is certainly welcomed in our ranks. It is true that the liberation of Leeds, and the liberation of the rest of the occupied systems will remain linked for some time. The entire area is effected by what is going on, and the fight will be certain to spill over into Edinburgh and Orkney as our capabilities increase.
After hearing from you direclty earlier, don't worry about the accident with the Data. Such things can be replaced, we just hope everyone was recovered without injury. Your men may certainly make use of all of our facilities as members of the LRF. I will also send you codes to a Percheron transport vessel, with some starting funds to outfit your men with anything they may need, and to help service any ships you can bring. Freighters can also be provided, we need pilots willing and able to fly them! Along with a few other roles that could be filled. If you have any questions or plans that might benefit us, please bring it to our attention.
You can report anything of importance directly to our Comm Center, and use our secure intercom for emergencies. We'll always do our best to back up our people. The only standing orders we have so far are to avoid authorities and Gallic naval patrols as best can be done, and try not getting caught in any engagements. Orders are to run all attempts at interception with military cargo bound for the surface, but when carrying refugees, to ensure their safety, you may stop for Gallic military interceptors. It is unlikely they will fire on a ship carrying them. All are sworn to secrecy regarding everything else. If that is to your Clan's liking, I look forward to meeting you and seeing your men in Leeds. Have anyone who'll be commanding or piloting report in to our Recruitment Center, the form will merely be a formality. Safe travels.
Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Resistance!
Standing by,
Jonas Hudson
*//can do 1 form for more than one character if you intend to rp with more than one