Familienname:Schwarzmann Vorname:Achim Division und Rang:Intelligence Division, Direktor der Intelligenz Ships with Papers on confirmed activity: soon: Kruger|KTS-IndefiniteV
//ooRP Please state us your interest in Krüger on a skala 1-108 Due to the fact that our official 1IC and 2IC seem to have left some time ago, we ask you to confirm the following for the Staff as evidence to get the leadership passed and help our faction with this:
Do you testify that Kerfy (1IC) and Alpha Wolf (2IC) lead Krüger at the moment? YES
To:Members of the Krüger Company From:Vorsitzender Kaiser Kramer, Direktorin Valentina von Thielau Location:Erlangen Mining Facility, Omega-7 System, Trägerschiff Bad Nauhein, Neu Berlin System Subject:ROLECALL SUMMER 826 A.S.
Guten Tag sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
We, the Krüger Vorstand are hereby closing the Call of Role hereby and thank every member of the company for participating. Luckily we don't have to demote anyone ro the rank of Matrose this Summer. We wish everyone a good rest of the day.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Vorstandsvorsitzender, Kaiser Kramer
stellv. Vorsitzende Direktorin, Valentina von Thielau Krüger Vorstand