Would the Molly movement be willing to partake in negotiations with the Enclave, with reparations entirely possible, in light of securing a future where both organisations can focus on other threats, such as the Gaian movement and the Bretonian Armed Forces? We have discovered that the Enclave is invested and interested in amending the ailment between the two organisations. We all know that the loss of life cannot be replaced, but what we can try to achieve is to the prevent more loss in the future.
If you are interested, let me know and we can set up a middle ground for negotiations.
COMM-ID: Colonel Sean Ashby, DRA Location: Dublin. Target: Keeper Revenant. Subject: Enclave.
So the Enclave wishes to negotiate rather surprising if I'm being honest. Very well, I'm willing to hear them out but I won't make any promises just yet.
The meeting will take place in Baffin in a fortnight. Enclave represents will be present along with our personnel. If your representatives require a shortcut, we can send a jump ship to one of your stations to pick them up and ferry them there and back.
COMM-ID: Colonel Sean Ashby, DRA Location: Dublin. Target: Keeper Revenant. Subject: The Nemesis.
We had a run in with a Gaian cell calling themselves Nemesis who claim to be interested in actually fighting the crown unlike their predecessors and also seem to be trying to cut ties with the Corsairs as an added bonus even going as far as to make a public statement denouncing the Corsairs.
We were wondering if your organization had any previous run ins with them and what your thoughts on them are. I'll attach the logs of our encounter below.
[20.10.2020 05:58:19] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Hold it, Mr.Ashby, identify yourself.
[20.10.2020 05:58:24] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Piss off.
[20.10.2020 05:58:30] N|-Terracotta.Hedgehog: Rude
[20.10.2020 05:58:32] 2020-10-20 05:58:32 SMT
[20.10.2020 05:58:32] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: I just want to talk.
[20.10.2020 05:58:43] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Watch who you fire your disruptors at College boy.
[20.10.2020 05:59:14] 2020-10-20 05:59:14 SMT
[20.10.2020 05:59:14] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Look, I get it, we come from very different back grounds.
[20.10.2020 05:59:45] 2020-10-20 05:59:45 SMT
[20.10.2020 05:59:45] Death: Saltvik suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[20.10.2020 05:59:49] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: No kidding.
[20.10.2020 05:59:53] If you are killed in a PvP fight, you are not allowed to re-engage the player or group of players that you were fighting any of your characters for 1 hour. Self-destruction during such fights also counts as a PvP death.
[20.10.2020 05:59:53] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 1 hour. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[20.10.2020 05:59:59] 2020-10-20 05:59:59 SMT
[20.10.2020 05:59:59] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Why should we be fighting though? Don't you see? The real enemy is The Queen, and her crony corporations.
[20.10.2020 06:00:29] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: The same crown your cause hid behind?
[20.10.2020 06:00:45] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: And you forget about the cannibal invaders.
[20.10.2020 06:00:48] 2020-10-20 06:00:48 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:00:48] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: To hell with those spineless cowards
[20.10.2020 06:00:57] N|-Terracotta.Hedgehog: Let me at 'em....
[20.10.2020 06:00:59] 2020-10-20 06:00:59 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:00:59] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: backstabbing cuthroats too.
[20.10.2020 06:02:10] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: You cannot call them spineless when you ran to their aid at the first sign of trouble.
[20.10.2020 06:02:13] 2020-10-20 06:02:13 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:02:13] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: I am Devin Blackwood, leader of The Nemesis. Gaia has fallen, our leaders lied to us, our allies betrayed us, and now
[20.10.2020 06:02:22] 2020-10-20 06:02:22 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:02:22] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: we must pick up the pieces and start over.
[20.10.2020 06:02:50] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Well you ain't done much start over far as I can see.
[20.10.2020 06:02:57] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:03:09] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:03:34] 2020-10-20 06:03:34 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:03:34] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: The Nemesis denounces the weak bastards that crawled up the skirt of The Queen. They threw our cause to the wind because
[20.10.2020 06:03:43] 2020-10-20 06:03:43 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:03:43] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: they were scared of taking direct action.
[20.10.2020 06:04:00] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: You say they were afraid of ta
[20.10.2020 06:04:23] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:04:28] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: taking direct action yet all you have done is denounce the traitors.*
[20.10.2020 06:04:33] 2020-10-20 06:04:33 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:04:33] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: They were afraid to die for what they believed in, if you cannot die for what you believe in, do you even trully believe it?
[20.10.2020 06:04:58] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:05:04] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:05:08] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: And what is it that you believe in?
[20.10.2020 06:05:19] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Saving some animals?
[20.10.2020 06:05:27] 2020-10-20 06:05:27 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:05:27] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Ha....
[20.10.2020 06:05:29] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: When there is far bigger problems?
[20.10.2020 06:05:31] 2020-10-20 06:05:31 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:05:31] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: If only....
[20.10.2020 06:05:47] 2020-10-20 06:05:47 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:05:47] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: How does the execution of The Queen work for starters?
[20.10.2020 06:06:05] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:06:08] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: You think you can do what we have been trying for years?
[20.10.2020 06:06:12] 2020-10-20 06:06:12 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:06:12] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Maybe the burning of the royal palace for kicks? We need total governmental reformation.
[20.10.2020 06:06:18] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: You are a bold one, I will give you that.
[20.10.2020 06:06:22] 2020-10-20 06:06:22 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:06:22] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: No we don't, not alone at least.
[20.10.2020 06:06:57] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: But the average citizen doesn't care about Gaia.
[20.10.2020 06:07:00] 2020-10-20 06:07:00 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:07:00] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: That's why I think, it could be in our best interests to work together towards our common goals.
[20.10.2020 06:07:11] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Common goals?
[20.10.2020 06:07:14] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:07:15] 2020-10-20 06:07:15 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:07:15] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: To Hell with Gaia, she's already dead.
[20.10.2020 06:07:50] 2020-10-20 06:07:49 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:07:50] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Brutalized by the Gallics The Crown so willingly allowed to land on her.
[20.10.2020 06:08:11] 2020-10-20 06:08:11 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:08:11] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: We seek to avenger her, be it in blood or otherwise.
[20.10.2020 06:08:38] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: And that is the difference between us.
[20.10.2020 06:08:46] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: We fight for liberation.
[20.10.2020 06:08:51] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:09:02] 2020-10-20 06:09:02 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:09:02] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: You see, we do have common goals, who do you think is gonna be first on the ground on Planet Gaia when the Gallics finally -
[20.10.2020 06:09:06] 2020-10-20 06:09:06 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:09:06] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: get the boot?
[20.10.2020 06:09:11] 2020-10-20 06:09:11 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:09:11] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: BMM,
[20.10.2020 06:09:25] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:10:00] A bounty pool worth $360.000 credits for 9 kills has been deposited in your account.
[20.10.2020 06:10:01] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: You are a fool if you think the Crown can afford to boot the Gallics from the planet.
[20.10.2020 06:10:13] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: The Gallics have been dug in for the last year.
[20.10.2020 06:10:17] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: If not longer.
[20.10.2020 06:10:19] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:10:32] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: And that's assuming that they don't glass it first.
[20.10.2020 06:11:27] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:11:57] 2020-10-20 06:11:57 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:11:57] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Take this note, as we speak The Enclave is abanding Gaia. I am getting reports of hundreds of shuttles leaving the atmosphere
[20.10.2020 06:12:06] 2020-10-20 06:12:06 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:12:06] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: bound for who knows where.
[20.10.2020 06:12:10] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Civilian refugees.
[20.10.2020 06:12:19] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: They are preparing to fight.
[20.10.2020 06:12:31] 2020-10-20 06:12:31 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:12:31] DRA)-Dragonfly: More room for military forces if anything.
[20.10.2020 06:12:31] 2020-10-20 06:12:31 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:12:31] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: And do you really think they can win?
[20.10.2020 06:12:43] A $40.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[20.10.2020 06:12:54] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Bretonia is weaker than ever.
[20.10.2020 06:13:07] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: It's troops exhausted and beaten down.
[20.10.2020 06:13:22] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: The Gallics still carry fury in their hearts.
[20.10.2020 06:13:29] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: They have the will to win.
[20.10.2020 06:13:47] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Do not underestimate them.
[20.10.2020 06:14:01] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: They are still a fully trained and well equipped military force.
[20.10.2020 06:14:21] 2020-10-20 06:14:21 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:14:21] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: I do not doubt that in the least.
[20.10.2020 06:16:09] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Besides what do I have to gain from allying with a group that will seems to have been shattered.
[20.10.2020 06:16:24] 2020-10-20 06:16:24 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:16:24] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Oh much to the contrary,
[20.10.2020 06:17:09] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Not to mention the history the Gaian movement shares with not just the Crown but also the Corsairs?
[20.10.2020 06:17:14] 2020-10-20 06:17:14 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:17:14] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: My former leaders were crazed in agony at the fate of Planet Leeds, I saw through the pain, it has only steeled our resolve.
[20.10.2020 06:17:29] 2020-10-20 06:17:28 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:17:29] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: The Corsairs can all go to hell
[20.10.2020 06:17:30] 2020-10-20 06:17:30 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:17:30] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Every
[20.10.2020 06:17:31] 2020-10-20 06:17:31 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:17:31] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Last
[20.10.2020 06:17:33] 2020-10-20 06:17:33 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:17:33] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: One.
[20.10.2020 06:18:00] 2020-10-20 06:18:00 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:18:00] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Traitorous backstabbing mongrels the whole lot.
[20.10.2020 06:18:08] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: All words.
[20.10.2020 06:18:13] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: I judge by actions.
[20.10.2020 06:18:34] 2020-10-20 06:18:34 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:18:34] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: Are these words!?
[20.10.2020 06:18:45] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Show me that you still have the will to fight.
[20.10.2020 06:18:48] 2020-10-20 06:18:48 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:18:48] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: To hell,
[20.10.2020 06:18:51] 2020-10-20 06:18:51 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:18:51] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: With all of them.
[20.10.2020 06:19:06] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Take on the Corsairs publically.
[20.10.2020 06:19:14] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: And I may have something to consider.
[20.10.2020 06:19:18] 2020-10-20 06:19:18 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:19:18] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: You've got it.
[20.10.2020 06:19:41] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: But until then I find it hard to believe we stand much to gain from working with you.
[20.10.2020 06:20:00] A bounty pool worth $120.000 credits for 3 kills has been deposited in your account.
[20.10.2020 06:20:03] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: For now stay away from Dublin and Poole, No more than that needs to be said.
[20.10.2020 06:20:08] Rules Tip: Do not disconnect from the server to escape player versus player interaction. Your ship will remain helpless in space for 2 minutes and you will not be able to reconnect during this time.
[20.10.2020 06:20:22] 2020-10-20 06:20:22 SMT
[20.10.2020 06:20:22] N|-Pixie's.Parasol: I suggest keeping a close eye on the Underworld New Networks. Things will get ugly.
[20.10.2020 06:20:40] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Good, put on a nice show.
[20.10.2020 06:20:52] N|-Terracotta.Hedgehog: Thats what I do best.
[20.10.2020 06:20:52] DRA)-Sean:Ashby: Until next time, Mister Blackwood.
Dublin Republic Colonel Anthony MacReady Arranmore Base, Dublin System November 16, 827
Auxo, I'm Colonel MacReady. I, for sure, understand much, but are you f*cking out of your mind to appear accompanied by Gallic warships in Omega-49? Mind to explain the hell are you doing there and how they magically 'sneak' through the Dublin, because this is the only short way from Edinburgh to Omega-49?
I don't know. It has a Jump Drive, it probably jumped in? Our vessels were there to shoot the Corsairs and the Core, the presence of the Gallic vessels was unexpected. Probably more unexpected to the Coalition.
Maybe you could ask them what they were doing there.
Dublin Republic Colonel Anthony MacReady Arranmore Base, Dublin System November 17, 827
I could if our negotiations wouldn't be stuck after O'Healy's departure. Tell the Enclave to avoid such performance next time. The Coalition is getting upset because we ignored Gauls in Omega-49. It can cause unforeseen consequences for us all if they start to whine to Hessians, which are allies to both the Mollys and Auxesia, as it seems.